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Larry was livid at hearing that Kevin showed up at the hospital. He felt like Quinn was once again left defenseless against Kevin's advances. Being assaulted all over again by his touch. This was the one time he was glad that she was unconscious. Not wanting her to relive the attack all over again by seeing or feeling him. It is now time to handle this once and for all. Larry abruptly departed from Chloe walking down an empty hallway. Before he could leave she grabbed his hand and asked, what's wrong, did something happen? Feeling his blood starting to boil he pulled away from her, continuing to walk away.

Chloe: Larry, whats wrong, did I do something... Please stop and talk to me.

Larry: **sighs and turns around** Its... It's not you Chloe. Its Kevin, he's the one.

Chloe: The one what.. I don't understand.

Larry: **dropping his head** he's the one that raped Quinn.

Chloe: **gasps** Noooo. I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I would have never let him near her if I knew who he was. I'm so so sorry, Larry.

Larry: It not your fault. I'm just...Just....

He pushed Chloe up against the wall and smashed his lips into hers. The intensity of the kiss was fueled by lust, frustration, and rage. As the kiss intensified his lips traveled down her face to her neck. Bitting and sucking at every inch of exposed skin, he held her body tight to him as his hands moved up and down her body ripping at her clothes. As he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist allowing her to fill everything he had to offer. Never breaking the kiss they traveled down the hall searching for an empty room. Breaking the kiss, but never taking his eyes off of her. They quickly tore their clothes off and continued to attack each other's lips.

Sitting her on the edge of the bed he lifts both of her legs to his shoulders driving his head deep into her valley. He flicked and vibrated his tongue on her jewel causing her to release her waterfall onto his lips. The sounds she's making is like a drum to his ears, causing his member to dance to each beat. Not being able to contain the overload of pleasure anymore. She grabs him pulling him up to face her. Aligning himself with her, Larry repeatedly thrust inside her causing
an overwhelming amount of pleasure to her body. Spreading her legs even wider he pushing harder and deeper making her moans sound like a full orchestra. Not wanting anyone to hear them, Larry slides his hand over her mouth, pushing two fingers into her mouth. Feeling the wetness of her tongue on his fingers makes him push faster and harder imaging her tongue licking up and down his shaft. As they start to reach their climax he slows the pace down not wanting it to end. Making the slightest movement with his hips, he repeatedly slides across that one sweet spot, causing immense pleasure to her flower. The emotional high she was on, was so intense her only outlet was to cry. As the tears flowed down her face he loving kissed them away while maintaining the slow pace. Their organism came crashing down on them like claps of lightning striking a tree. Jolting both their bodies into each other over and over again. Freezing in place they both rode out their high in complete silence. Completely out of breath he rolls over pulling her into a warm embrace.


Leaning over her bed stroking her face with the back of his hand. He bends down to her ear and whispers the words, I love you so much. Please don't leave me. I can't make without you. After kissing her lips he stands up and stares down at her.

Hearing the door open he turns and see Larry with a strange look on his face.

Larry: I need to talk to you

Lau: Okay, what is it.

Larry: Come on let's talk outside

Lau: What is it Larry, I don't want to leave her right now.

Larry: Lau, its important and I need to tell you this outside.

Larry finally convinced him to step out the room and head outside. Larry stopped at the nurse station and instructed them not to allow anybody in Quinn's room without one of them being there. As they heading toward the elevator, Larry started telling him what Chole said. He told him that Kevin showed up at the hospital and was in her room. He thought for a moment whether or not he was going to tell him that he kissed her and rubbed her stomach. He knows that his brother is under a lot of stress and feeling guilty about what happened to her because he feels the same way. The mix of emotions Lau was feeling right now was seen on his face and in his eye. Hurt and rage, pain and anger were intertwined, pouring in and out of him by each word that was spoken. As Larry continues to tell Lau all that took place. There was nothing that was going to keep him from killing Kevin. Nothing. Kevin had violated everything he held dear.


It had been hours since he told Benny and Zack of his intentions and now he was in the hospital parking lot. He was contemplating going in to confront the twins and beg for there forgiveness. Knowing that there was no forgiveness to be had. Knowing that death was too good for him. Exiting his car he slowly makes his way to the hospital entrance. His mind racing a mile a minute playing out each scenario, with none being in his favor. Absentmindedly he presses the elevator door and waits for the door to open. The last thought that crosses his mind before the doors opens was the baby and whether it was his or not.


The doors to the elevator opens and now standing right in front of him are the twins. Frozen in place his eyes grow wide and fear takes over every part of his being.



What's going to happen to him?

Will the twins kill him?

Will Benny and Zack get ahold of him?

SHATTEREDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora