19. Truth

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I needed to talk with the doctors about her condition, but I didn't want to leave her. Fortunately for me, she fell asleep which gave me the opportunity to talk with the doctor and for Larry to go and get some air. The past few weeks are finally starting to take its toll on both of us. When she was unconscious we only worried about when she was going to wake up. Now there are so so many things that concern me and her mental state being at the top of the list. I just don't know if she's going to be able to handle all of this. Do we tell her all at once or little by little? "I don't know if my mental state can handle this".

I needed to know what I could expect from here on out and when she could go home.  That's another thing, will she even want to go to the house were so many horrible things happened to her. I don't even think I want to go back there. Just the visual of her near lifeless body lying on the floor brings me to my knees in agonizing pain.

I needed to know when I could tell her about the baby. Which will definitely stress her? Will she want a DNA test, will she want to keep it. Will this push her further down the dark hole she's currently in. Did she even know she was pregnant? I pray that she didn't know. I don't know if I could take her trying to kill this baby along with herself. Even if it's not mine I don't want to see harm come to it.

I just hope I'm strong enough to be all she needs right now. Please let me be what she needs.


Chloe found Larry in the basement dancing his heart out. It had been hours since he left Quinn and Lau up in the room. It was only out of concern for him that she went looking for him. The moment she laid eyes on his shirtless body she was mesmerized. The way his body moved to the beat was like seeing music right in front of her eyes. Each note found a spot in his body. Each melody played off of his hips, arms, legs, even his hair moved at his will to the beat of the music.  His face full of pain and sorrow mimicked the emotion of the story his body was telling. His feet glided across the floor in an effortless motion, yet heavy like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.  He left her awestruck and entranced by every move he mad. Never in her life had she seen someone move this way. Never had she felt so much emotion and pain in someone's movements. His body showed her exactly how his heart was feeling. The pain he was displaying made her own heart long to comfort him. Her one thought was how could she take his pain away.

It wasn't until he spoke that she realized that the music had stopped and he was staring at her.

Chloe: Huh... What did you say?

Larry:  I said are you alright.

Chloe: Oh yeah.... I'm fine.. I came down here looking for you. I hadn't seen you in a couple of hours and just wanted to make sure you were alright. I know there's a lot going on right now. A lot to handle.

Larry walks past her and sits down in a chair next to where he sat his stuff. He picks up a towel to wipe the sweat off of his body. For a split second, she was lost in her thoughts of ravishing Larry's body while he was trusted deep into her over and over again. Snapping out of it at the sound of Larry's voice. Realizing it was not the right time to fantasize about him devouring her.

Larry: I'm fine... I just... I just got a lot on MY MIND, so I came down here to think. There is so much not being said between the three of us it's making my head hurt.  How are we suppose to know when it's the best time to tell Quinn about the baby and the guys who raped her or to tell Lau about going behind his back and getting a DNA test. Now I know that its Lau's responsibility to tell her most of this but it's still stressing me. I can feel the pain that Lau is experiencing, I can see the hurt and sorrow written all over Quinn's face. I know for a fact that she's not thinking straight and I'm scared she might try to harm herself again once she hears all this. If something else happens to her, I just don't know what I would do.

Larry lowers his head to the floor and said nothing else. Chloe walks over to him and rubs his back. For a moment Larry basked in the comfort of her touch. Slowly he places his hands on each side of her legs and pulls her down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist nuzzling his head in her neck inhaling the jasmine scent her body emitted. Before she knew it he had eased his hands up her shirt and started caressing the soft skin on her back with his hands. The warm air of each breath he took landed on her neck sending shivers down her spine. It didn't help that she started feeling his soft lips tenderly rubbing across that sensitive spot right below her ear. Nipping and tugging and licking ever so gentle.  Although Chloe enjoyed his lips pressed against her neck. She knew this felt different from before. Before he needed her, he carved her, hungry for a taste of her even if it was just for that moment. But this time it was the way he touched her and the way he held her in his arms. He... he.. he held her the way you hold someone you are in love with. The way his eyes stared into hers, and just for a moment, right before he kissed her, she saw it. She saw love, love for someone. The kiss was filled with so much passion and want. This kiss is the kind of kiss you give to that one person who holds your heart. The kind that lingers on your lips drawing you back in and stealing your breath away. Slowly he kept pulling her body closer and closer to his as if he was trying to make them one. His arms wrapped around her and his hands clung to her like she was keeping him from drowning.

Now Chloe didn't know who Larry was truly thinking about, but she knows it wasn't her. As much as she wanted to go another round with Larry she knew that this wasn't the best time, not like this and not in his current state of mind.  Gently she pushed Larry way from her holding his face in her hands. She stared deep into his eyes and kissed his tear stained cheeks over and over again. In between each kiss, she spoke the words that he needed to hear.

I'm*kiss*here*kiss*for*kiss*you*kiss*no*kiss*matter*kiss*what.  She leaned back into him hugging him tightly and swaying back and forth and rubbing his back. 

Larry had spent all this time trying to be there and to keep it together for Lau that he didn't know how much he needed someone to lean on. His world was crashing down around him. His twin was in pain, his sis-in-law and friend who he loved dearly had forever been changed and he was helpless to fix any of it.  Laurent was forever that big brother and whenever Larry needed him, he was always there.. and now he was trying to do that for him. He was so caught up in what was happening around him that he hadn't noticed that Chloe had been there for him from the moment he met her.


The doctor walked into the room to do his daily rounds. He informed us that all the test results came back negative, which was good news. He informed us that she wouldn't have any lasting effects from this. He said that they wanted to observe her for a couple more days then she would be cleared to go home. A nurse was to come in, in a little while to get her up and walking since it's been a while since she used her legs and they were going to check her and the babies vitals. The shock of his last statement caused Lau to look over at Quinn who seemed to have missed what he just said. She didn't flinch, her eyes didn't shoot up in shock. Just nothing, no reaction whatsoever.  It made me wonder if she heard him or if she knew already. He informed her that they scheduled an appointment with her family physician for a week after she was discharged. Before he walked out he asked if we had any question. When we nodded our heads no he started leaving the room.  He reached for the door handle then looked down at this hand. He turned back around and said " oh... I sorry Mrs. Bourgeois here is a list of great OB/GYN's in the area. You will definitely want to see one with the baby coming.  Again I looked in her direction and this time she just stared, not blinking, not doing anything. I am not even sure she was breathing. I took the papers from the doctor and he exited the room. She stayed like that until I said her name.

Lau: Quinn baby, Quinn are you going ok.. Baby look at me. What's the matter?

Quinn: Lau did he say, baby?







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