Chapter Fifteen

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Monika wakes up to the smell of a delicious scent in the air, she gets out of bed to look at the mirror on the door. The size of her body startled herself.

"I forgot that I went to the past. I guess I'll have a little problem finding that boy." She tries to brush her hair with her fingers. 

Monika turns toward the desk at the corner of the room, then she sees a date on the calendar being circled. She goes up to it and read the note on it, "Going to a Theme Park with Yasuki."

The specific date is Saturday, Monika nods to herself and went to the dinning room where she finds her mother placing plates of breakfast on the table. Monika had a really nostalgic feeling just looking at her mother, especially the fact that High School really changed her daily routine with her parents.

She smiled and thank her. "Thanks for the food." 

Her mother gave her a bewildered expression, then she smiled back. "My little Monix is in a good mood today. Are you that excited to meet your friends?" 

"Meet my friends?" Monika's cheeks immediately flustered as soon as she realized what she had said, "I, I mean, yes! I'm really excited!" 

It might take a while for me to get used to this body since I can't do much with this small body. This might just be a problem. She thought to herself as she chew on the food. 

After her mother and her finished breakfast they left the apartment to meet everybody else at Haruhi's house. Monika, as oblivious as she currently is, had a hard time remembering the plan. Although everything else did seem to be familiar like the streets to the buildings. 

"Hi, Monika!" The girl with two braided brown hair smiled at her. 

Monika glanced at her, quickly she tries to remember the girl's name. It hasn't been that long so she remembers at least her name. "Um, hi Yu--Yumi." Guessing her expression she said the name correctly. 

"It seems almost everyone is here." She gazed at their parents. 

She couldn't care less about the little trip they're having, so she just gazed around the living room where everything becomes very nostalgic. Monika suddenly remembers Haruhi, the boy that actually likes her, she found herself smiling to that thought since it sounded kind of cute to the present her. 

"Monika?" Yumi asked. 

"Uh, y-yes?" 

"Are you even listening to me?" 

"S-sorry, I was spacing out." 

"You're acting kind of strange."

"No I wasn't acting anything at all. I'm mentally and physically here!" Monika tries to act normal. 

"Right." Yumi's brows twists.

"So, you were saying?" 

Yumi glanced at Haruhi over her shoulder, then she grabs Monika's wrist and took her to a empty room in the house. She trails back to the topic. "I wanted to ask what your thoughts are on Haruhi. It might be a stupid question." She averts her eyes. 

Monika looked shocked. "My thoughts on Haruhi?" Slowly her lips smiled. "I think that he is a really great friend." She didn't know what else to say since most of her memories of him is kind of blurry. 

Yumi finds herself laughing at her response. "I love it when you really speak your mind, Monika. Therefore I'm happy that you think that, because I actually like Haruhi. I am already thinking about going to the same junior high as him, then the same high school, and if I'm lucky I might get to be his girlfriend. B-but it's just a thought! I, I don't mean to think out loud like that. I know I can be obvious sometimes." 

Monika shook her head. "I'm completely happy for you." The fact that she knows her future already. "I'll really support your goal, but I also have a goal in mind right now too." 

"Eh? And what's that?" Yumi wondered. 

"I want to..." Monika tries not to startle her with the current situation she is in. "N-never mind. I think it's best if I leave you two be." 

"And what does that mean? Are you canceling the trip?" Yumi questioned Monika.

"N-no! I'm not canceling it at all. Well, to sound less unbelievable I'm actually really concerned about Y--" Monika suddenly felt her voice being muted, swiftly she try to stay calm. Thinking that she could say his name while living in the past, but she was being ignorant. "I'm really concerned about him." 

"Are you talking about Yasuki?"

Monika nods as a response. 

Yumi smiled. "If you're concerned about him then we can wait extra longer. I'm sure Haruhi doesn't mind, I mean even if he does mind I'm sure he wouldn't be able to resist my fist of fury!" 

Although that isn't really what Monika had in mind, but she giggled anyways. She wouldn't want Yumi to get involved in something so gore and violent--her life still has a long way and it would be giving a scar on a priceless past. After their discussion they head back to the living room where Haruhi sat at one of the sofa. 

"Did Yasuki show up yet?" Yumi asked. 

Haruhi's brows twists gazing away. "That's a surprise. Why are you the one asking? I thought Monika would be the one to ask since she is so interested in that boy. Plus the fact that she went to search for him just to invite him to a lame trip to the Amusement Park."

"You're awfully cold for a boy." Yumi punched his shoulder. "At least show some respect to Monika. She's the one who invited all of us. Sometimes you're so unappreciative." 

Haruhi glanced at Monika, their eyes meet. As soon as he start blushing he turns to a different direction. Monika slowly turns to a random direction of the room. Yumi glanced at both of them and sigh. 

For a while they wait, the parents began to wonder if Yasuki would show up. Haruhi who looks already dreaded began to take out his PSP and plays some games while Yumi stood behind and watched him. 

Monika walks up to them, "I'm going to go get some errand. I'll be back in a bit." 

"Okay." Said Haruhi and Yumi. 

She opens the front door glancing at everybody in the house before leaving, then she closed the door as she stood on the doormat. Monika walks to the sidewalk, the place seemed pretty quiet. 

"He said he broke the promise, so that means I must be the one to find him before anything happens." Monika remember that Saturday is the day, but she didn't think of where Yasuki murders him. Monika strolls down the crosswalk still searching the specific area where he could be. She goes passed the little park after just glancing around. Everywhere she goes was quiet and it becomes even more strange that fact that she doesn't see anybody around the crosswalks. 

Suddenly she sees Yasuki dragging his legs along the brick wall as he also drag a base ball bat against the ground. His dead yellow eyes glares at her, "Monika..." 


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