Genuine Feelings

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Lisa's POV

I groaned in my sleep and slightly shifted, feeling Liyah toss and turn.

"Damn, stay still, Liyah."

"You know I can't ever sleep fully comfortable, unless I'm naked. Is that what you want me to do, Doe? Get naked?" I snickered and sat up,

"Nah, keep ya draws on. Imma go raid the kitchen. Hungry?" She stretched and slowly sat up,

"You know it." I giggled and got up with her.

After school, we both had taken a nap which lasted too damn long, but was worth it. As we made our way into the kitchen, Pac had Jada on the counter, sucking her face off. I snickered and flickered the lights while Liyah laughed,

"Damn nigga, let her ass breathe! Big ass lips." Jada broke the kiss in a fit of laughter while Pac rolled his eyes,

"I know you ain't talkin'." Liyah grabbed some chips and smirked,

"Oh, but I am, lil nigga." Jada smirked and kissed on Pac's neck,

"Ain't nothin lil 'bout my baby." Aaliyah and I looked at one another before playfully gagging. Pac grinned and waved us off,

"Man, get on somewhere." We burst out laughing and got some food before returning back to the room. Or I mean... I returned. Liyah stopped at the door and glanced over to Pac's room.

"Aye, you better not. Bring yo nosey ass in here." She smacked her lips and pouted,

"Come ooon. I wanna snoop." I took my books out and chuckled,

"Now, what if someone snooped in yo shit?"

"I'd beat they ass."


"But I ain't just anybody." I gave her a look which made her drop the subject, "Aight, fine. Damn." I smiled innocently as she sat on the bed beside me. "Don't you got a homework pass?"


"Then why you doin that shit?"

"Cause imma have to read it to catch up anyway. I ain't using my pass yet. Now, look up the play or some shit on your phone. Reading ain't my thing and we got work at 6pm." She smirked and nodded,

"There's the Li I know."


Janet's POV

I kicked my heels off as soon as I made it through the front door of my one-bedroom apartment. Today was exhausting, merely because of the paperwork and honestly, all I wanted to do was plop down on my bed and rest. My feet were aching, my head was pounding, my stomach was growling, and my mind was still heavily on Lisa.

I knew a bruise when I saw one, and she most definitely had one on her cheek. A sigh left my lips as I mentally prayed that she was in a safe environment and wouldn't completely shut herself down to me. Yes, I know I'm her teacher, but most of these kids see us more than their own parents. If their family isn't showing them love, who will?

Once I gained the strength to take a shower and get changed into some sweats, I slid on my tennis shoes and made my way to the grocery store. I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted, but I did know that whatever it was, it would have to hold me over until this first paycheck hit. Once I parked, I got out of the car and made my way inside.

My arms wrapped themselves around my body, trying my best not to catch hypothermia in this cold ass store. I grabbed my cart and slowly made my way into the different aisles looking for anything that appealed to me.

Dear, Ms. JacksonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora