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Lisa's POV


I chuckled to myself and laid down on the bed. I had to be cautious, but this seemed to be escalating a bit quicker than I thought it would. Then again, I'm not complaining.

When I finally finished all of my work (to the best of my ability), I headed out of the room and smiled, smelling bacon in the air.

"We having breakfast for dinner or something?" Jada snickered and looked in my direction.

"Bingo. Wash your hands and come help me cook." I nodded and ran over to the kitchen sink, washing my hands with the dish soap.

"Hey, J?" She looked over at me and smiled,

"What's up, Doe?" I looked down and rinsed my hands,

"How'd you know when you were first feelin' Pac?" She cracked an egg into the bowl and smirked,

"Why? You feelin someone?" I blushed and shrugged as I dried my hands off and grabbed a bowl.


"Who is he?" I laughed and shook my head,

"No one, damn. Just answer my question!" She giggled and poured the egg into the pan.

"Well, I knew because he was always staring at me. Whenever I would look his way, he'd turn his head." She chuckled, "Took him about two months to man up and ask me if I was single or not. To be completely honest," She moved closer to me and whispered, "I wasn't, but I ain't tell him that, because I knew that would turn him away."

"So, you lied to my mans?" I laughed and shook my head, making the pancakes,

"I mean... yes, but it was worth it. I was in an abusive relationship at the time anyway. I needed a reason to leave. He helped me see the good in things I couldn't before." I stared at her while I continued mixing the batter.

"I never knew that, J.." She chuckled and shrugged,

"A lot of people don't. So, if you find someone who can help you more than harm you, go to them. No matter the circumstances, you should always find room to grow." I stopped mixing and thought to myself.

"What if... what if people don't agree with what I do?" She shrugged,

"It's not their life. It's yours. At the end of the day, they'll say plenty of foul shit, but it's up to you to let that dictate what you do and who you love." I sat the bowl down and sighed,

"..I.. I want to make some good decisions, J. I wanna be something and do shit that I wanna do without being scared.." She chuckled and laid the eggs on a plate,

"You weren't always scared, Doe. Ronald planted that seed of fear in you and now... you're more cautious than before. When you gonna realize that that man has already lived his life and he only treated you like shit so he could control yours?" I rubbed my arm and frowned,

"..I know, but.. even my mother-"

"All Wanda ever cared about was herself, baby. She just followed your father around and did everything he asked of her. I know you want their love, but they're just the type of people who you have to love from a distance." I laid my arm on the chair and laid my head on top of it.

"J, how come you couldn't be my mom?" She giggled and rubbed my head,

"If I could, I would. I already told Pac that you're like a daughter to me. Just means Pac gon have to be your daddy." I scrunched up my face while she laughed,

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