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That hand placement sksksks

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That hand placement sksksks


Jada's POV

I sat down on the bed and stared at the tv blankly while rubbing my growing stomach. I hadn't been in the mood for anything lately and I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. The sound of Claire Huxtable rang throughout the room as a warm breeze blew through the window, causing some of my pictures and loose papers to scatter throughout the air.

The sun was set to go down at any moment and so were my eyes. As if on cue before my drowsiness set in, my phone vibrated under the pillow beside me. I turned a bit and grabbed it, staring at the number. Unknown. I frowned deeply but answered it anyway.


"Hello, is this Mrs. Shakur?"


Janet's POV

"Washington High School is being sued for Defamation, conflict of interest on school grounds, tampering with legal documents, insertion of fraudulent grades in the system, and sexual activities within the administration." I glanced at Tyler and smiled as he finished his statement. The judge nodded and looked at all of us as we sat in the private room.

"Does your attorney have anything to say?" Tyler and I looked over at the defense side. Taraji and Idris seemed to be steaming already.

"Yes, your honor." I clenched my jaw slightly as Tom Fletcher stood up and smiled his mischievous grin, "Before the trial proceeds, I would like to say that the defense holds multiple witnesses. Does the prosecution have at least one?" The judge looked over at Tyler and I.

"We won't need one. We have all the evidence provided."

"Then proceed. Prosecution first." Tyler stood up and stared at the judge,

"My client is here to bring to light the injustice that Washington Hight School has been incorporating into its curriculum. Favoritism and bias has become such a horrendous act that staff members have taken it to the students' grades. Keep in mind, your honor, that these grades will determine not only the students' futures but as well as their motivation towards receiving future schooling. This has put a hindrance on the overall graduation rate of Washington High School and the honors of the graduating class. Midterms and exams have had to be continuously averaged out because of the low grades received in select classes."

"Objection, your honor! False statements under oath." Tyler chuckled at Fletcher's attempt and shook his head,

"I have proof, your honor." The judge sat up a bit and nodded,

"May I see?" Tyler pulled out the documents of the screenshotted grade changes compared to what the tangible gradebook held. The judge slid his glasses on and flipped through the papers while Tyler continued,

"As you can see, the tangible papers were given out to students, while gradebook inside of the system was tampered with. Washington High School's policy states that grade changes can only be made by supervisors and approved by Mrs. Henson herself." Taraji glared at me from across the table as Tyler continued to prove his point.

"I see, Mr. Perry." The judge looked over his glasses at Fletcher, "Tell me, Mr. Fletcher, is there anything you'd like to add onto this statement?"

"Yes, your honor. I would like to bring one of our Social Studies teachers up. Her name is Mrs. Thompson."

He nodded and allowed Fletcher to bring Thompson up to the stand. I withheld a low growl once I saw the bitch because she used to teach Tupac. He was a star student, but as soon as he grew closer to me, she changed up and threatened to report our friendship to the administration.

"Tell me, Mrs. Thompson, what's your take on the grade changes?" She flipped her blonde hair and spoke in a nasally voice,

"The only changes I've ever made within the system has been those in correspondence of my gradebook. I don't feed my students false statements." She smirked at me while I rolled my eyes at her. Tyer noticed the manner exchange and intervened with his own questions,

"Have you ever went into the system to change a student's grades, Mrs. Thompson?" She looked at him and nodded,


"And did you submit those grades as a finalization of the student's report card." She smiled smugly,

"Yes, obviously." He nodded and smiled politely.

"Then you've broken policy. As you can see, your honor, Washington High School allows anyone with a computer access to the system's gradebook." Fletcher groaned slightly and glared at Thompson. "You're dismissed from the stand." She blinked obviously confused over what just happened and scurried back to her seat.


Jada's POV

I stumbled down the stairs as the room spun around me. I couldn't see straight. I couldn't walk straight. I could barely breathe.


I slipped slightly and almost fell, until I caught myself with the railing. My chest was heaving fast and my breathing was irregular. Tears flowed nonstop out of my eyes, making it hard for me to focus on my surroundings.

I gripped the wall and clutched my stomach as I cried out in pain. My heart was aching. It was broken and I was feeling every piece of me leave the premises. Aaliyah ran to me and panicked seeing me cry out in so much pain.

"J, what's going on? What's wrong?!" I fell into her arms and sobbed out loud, allowing reality to set in.

"He's gone! He's gone, Liyah.." She froze for a moment but slowly lowered me to the floor instantly understanding.


Janet's POV

Tyler was killing it. Every single statement that Fletcher threw at us, Tyler threw right back in his face. If there was a score board, we would be up 10 to none. This felt like a dream come true. Tyler sat down in his seat as the judge looked over his notes in silence. Tyler's hand laid on my thigh and rubbed it as I smiled at him.

"Fletcher, is there anything else you'd like to add before I dismiss this case?" He stared dead at me and smirked,

"Yes, your honor. One more statement." I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at Tyler. He shrugged and looked back at Fletcher as he spoke, "Years ago, Ms. Jackson was charged with molestation of a minor." My eyes widened as my heart began to race.

"She was let off by inconsistent opposition!" Tyler chimed in. Fletcher chuckled,

"Yes, and although, we can't recharge her, there's a new case I'd like to bring to light. Ms. Jackson is guilty of having sexual relations with one of her current students. Ms. Lisa Lopes."

Tom Fletcher slid the judge pictures upon pictures of Lisa and I off guard. Did he follow us? Tyler furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. I shook my head and felt my hands shake slightly.


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