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*2 Months Prior*

Jada's POV

I slowly managed to drag myself out of the bed for the first time in a few days. I couldn't stay like this. I had to be strong for not only myself, but our unborn child. A soft sigh left my lips as my feet made contact with the floor. I gently moved my hand to my growing belly and slowly rubbed it. 

Who would have ever thought that I'd be bringing a child into this world, fatherless? I gently bit my lip, trying my hardest to contain my emotions. The last person who deserved to die was my  Pac. He was too pure.. too good natured. I shook my head, standing up. I didn't believe he died in combat. It had to be something deeper.

I peaked my head out of the room door, looking around. It was deafly silent. I suppose I had the house to myself. 

"Looks like it's just me and you, little one." I smiled as I stared down at my large stomach. This baby was growing. I quickly wobbled my way into the hallway, grabbing a towel and rag, before heading to the bathroom. I bit my lip and glanced at the stairs, trying to determine whether I was hungry or not. 

"Hm.. alright, let's head downstairs, kiddo." I slowly eased down the steps and made my way into the kitchen before a covered plate caught my eye. I smiled to myself, noticing the little note beside it.

"Enjoy Jada! We'll be back in a few. :)"

I chuckled and grabbed the plate, picking at some of the food. "Ooou, that woman really knows how to cook." I glanced around, partially parched. "Hm.. water it is." I quickly grabbed a glass and opened the fridge, taking out the purified water. I'd be damned if I had to drink that toxic water out of the faucet. 

Once I finished filling up the glass, I put the water back and grabbed my things, including the glass. "Alright.. Shower time." I slowly made my way back up the stairs as I chugged the water and entered the bathroom, turning the shower on. 

While I waited for it to heat up, I undressed then noticed that I was missing something, "Shit, my phone." I quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body just in case they wanted to come home while I was butt ass naked in the middle of the hallway. I giggled from the thought and went to retrieve my phone. 

Once I was done, I returned back to the bathroom and put my music on shuffle, setting the phone down on the counter. I hummed along to the song as I went back over to the tub to check on the water, but before I could reach my hand all the way out, an arm reached around my neck, choking me. I gasped out for air, trying my best to fight the person off, but no matter how much I fought, their grip only got tighter.


Aaliyah's POV

I slowly stepped back and stared down at Jada as she laid unconscious on the floor. 

"Shit, shit, shit..." I had to cover this up. I quickly grabbed my phone, calling uncle Tyler as I went to Jada's room. 

"Hello?" I sighed in relief, hearing his voice.

"Uncle Ty? You still here?"

"Yes, I haven't left yet... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I was wondering if I could come over." Please say yes, please say yes.

"Actually, we have some things to talk about." I groaned internally and bit my lip.


"Why didn't I see you at Jan's house? Where were you? I thought you said that you were staying with her and that Jada girl?"

"I was, but... I had to get away and clear my head. One of my friends-"

"Died. I know. The Shakur kid, right?" I got silent for a moment, "Aaliyah?"

"How did you know..." Now he was silent. "... please tell me you didn't set him up..."

"Did you know that him and Janet had a thing?"


"You knew and said not a thing to me." I rolled my eyes and continued searching through Jada's things.

"Let's be real, you're possessive as hell. She could never see that and I know I should have told you, but-"

"And now she's with this Lisa girl?... You're not the most informative niece, Liyah." Lisa wasn't just some girl... She was more than that. I stayed silent for a moment before breaking the silence,

"I was doing what was best for her."

"How in the HELL would you know what was best for MY woman?!" Well, your woman is in the way of me getting my woman.


"It's fine. It'll all be over soon." 

I frowned as he hung up in my face and scoffed, shoving my phone back into my pocket. Some help he was. My eyes caught something shiny near the lamp. I walked over and smirked, grabbing the razor. 


I quickly ran back into the bathroom, kneeling down beside her. I grabbed both wrists, slicing across her major veins. If bleeding out wouldn't kill her, the tetrodotoxin I poisoned her water with would. I smirked and turned off the water, making my way out of the house. Lisa was back and this time I couldn't let anybody stand in my way. She needed to be mine and mine only. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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