chapter 1: wind flowerguard

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Awake again. But why? What woke me up? I sighed as I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked out the barrack's window to see that it was still night out, not far from day break. Soon, the captain would have everyone up and doing their squad chores and duties. For a while now, I have been waking up from a blissful rest from training, by nothing but a whisper in the grass. I feel well rested after each time I wake, unable to sleep anymore.

I wasn't in squad 11 very long, but the men were like family. Not me. I wasn't much of a talker. Al I did was fight, train, bleed, and train some more. The captain's lieutenant hadn't even given me a nickname yet. The little pink haired girl was strong fast and unbelievably cute all at the same time. I always had candy on hand for her.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stretched. I might as well get up and get to work. I mostly spar half the day. The aches, pain, agony, and bruises are a part of me in a way. I love the feeling of the adrenaline rushing through my veins; the sweat from working hard and overexertion; the ferocity of oncoming attacks; the blood that flies from a fresh wound as the blade is pulled free; the black and purple marks of bruises that taint my skin and muscle with its pain; I love every aspect of it. and the marks and wounds are my reward.

I'm not the best at using martial arts or magic spell or even sword play. But that's okay. I'm light on my feet and can didge all day long. I have high stamina and can run for days on end. But that's not the point. Unlocking my zanpakuto. That's the point. I've asked it for its name but I never got an answer. Meditation, stress, life-or-death situations; none give me the push for it.

I ran my fingers through my brown-red hair and around my night stand for the small box that held my black gauges. The two holes in my ears are something of a symbol for me. I see them as the emptiness I've always felt and servitude. I am a slave looking for a man to call my master.

After putting the black rings in my ears, I stood up and made my way over to my dresser drawer that held my squad uniforms. I have always slept with nothing but a kimono on. There was really no for other clothes. From my neck down to my ankles, I wear bandages. They hide my features. I don't want anyone to find out about my many unhealed wounds. I don't like it when people fuss over my wellbeing.

And now for the worst part of the morning. I change my bandages twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. I have to. I don't heal all that well. The pain that comes with my afflictions doesn't bother me much when I'm resting, but none the less I never show my pain out right in public. Never have, might not ever. I had a high tolerance for this level of constant pain, no matter the source of it.

I gently peel off the bandages and reapply any medicine that is needed for them before putting on new bandages that hide them. Before I finish, I check to brand I have on my left shoulder. Instinct. That's what it reads. I've had that mark for as long as I could remember.

I quickly finish wrapping the remaining bandages around my chest and put on my shihaksho and sword.

'I wonder...' I unsheathe my zanpakuto and place the flat of its blade to my forehead before focusing my spirit energy into it. I closed my eyes and thought forcibly. 'what is your name? please, I must know.'

I patiently waited. Nothing. I don't even know why I keep trying. All I ever get is silence. I sheath my zanpakuto and snag my sandals and socks from the top of my dresser. I put them on before exiting my room as I walk down the hallway, I find that everyone's doors to their rooms ae shut and not a sound comes from them. Go figure. The only people up at this hour are a few captains and some squad 4 members.

I make my way out of the barracks and in to the neighboring forest to go to the clearing were I always train.

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