chapter 5:spare or spar

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We circled each other, waiting for the other to stick. The anticipation begun to build in my chest as I smiled. Pain forgotten, adrenalin rushing. Instinct. My battle mode was triggered. Then Shuhei made the first strike. A fierce downward strike. I brought my blade out in front of me and stopped it dead in the water, and countered with a swipe at his mid-section. I only caught air.

Shuhei had stepped to the side and stabbed at my left leg. I intercepted his zanpakuto again and pushed it away for all I was worth. I struck at his shoulder and again to nothing but empty space. a sword hilt to my solar plexus and what little air I had left rushed out of my lungs.

"finished?" he asked placing his sword over his shoulder as I gasped for air, hunched over and wide open.

"not a chance." I bounced back up and begun my attack.

Slash, stab. Dodge. block. He attacked relentlessly. Duck, counter, parry, parry, block. I didn't realize he had got in a few cuts until my entire arm red and the sleeve was cut to ribbons up to my bicep. Yet I wasn't bothered at all. It didn't hurt any. Laughing, I ripped away the rest of the shredded sleeve off and took an offensive stance.

"nice! Let's try that again!" I charged joyfully moving as fast as my legs would allow.

I knew that the lieutenant was playing around with me, giving me a hard time none the less. Strike, slash, arc, block, roll, stab, parry, slide to avoid a counter attack. Them he flash-stepped behind me. I turned to face him for a block but not before he 'tapped' me with the flat of his weapon, sending me sprawling. Dirt got in my new marks, making the red color on the loose bandages turn brown. the blood that wasn't absorbed into to the cloth watered the ground below it. I sprung back to my feet. Happy. I was content with this. I wasn't very good kept being slapped around on the best of days. Knowing that the blood being spilt was mine alone exited me more to finish the battle so I wouldn't die. He fended off my attacks with ease, those he struck at with his own attack that kept me from even touching him and kept me guessing. A shallow cut on my left shoulder right above the burning brand that was my pride. A tap on my neck. tap on the hilt of my sword. And then I'm thrown backwards from the force of a particularly powerful blow, skidding on my back a good few feet before being able to get to my knees. I could feel the bandages under my uniform undoing themselves and the sliced ones on my arm fluttering in the breeze as I sat up, only to be knocked down again. Cold steel pressed gently but forcibly against the hollow of my throat. I looked up the blade to Shuhei's triumphant gaze.

"you give?" he had a nick on his cheek

I panted as I tried to formulate a plan. Of action. I made to strike him but he kicked my sword out of my hands enough to make it skid just out of reach.

"I..." I panted out." I... "

Out of random, I roll way from his sword and flipped to my feet before rushing to snatch up my fallen zanpakuto.

"NOPE!" I scooped it up and flash-stepped behind him, just as he did me, and knocked his sword out of his hand, hilt struck him in the chest, and pushed him away from me as he turned to retaliate.

"hado number 32- "he started the spell.

I flat out stopped him by gathering my strength to my legs and kicked him squarely in the chest, driving him to the ground where I placed a knee on the ground and a knee on his lower torso, laying my sword on his chest.

"I *huff* win?" I winced at my actions. I shrugged my shoulders panting, out of fight, bleeding. He gave me a smile.

"yeah, you win" he laughed a little as I stumbled off. "that was one dirty trick at the end."

I helped him up before retrieving his fallen kazeshini and held it out to him. He sheathed his sword as I once again felt for any presence in my sword. As always, nothing. I sighed and put ay my own sword.

"that was fun." I said, checking my arm. Just split skin, nothing major, tough very dirty.

"I think you might want to get that checked out just in case." Shuhei sounded concerned.

"I might go to squad 4, though all it needs it to be washed out good." I said, happily tapping at my wounded left arm.

There was no way I was going to squad for just for a little nick of nicks like this. Didn't need a spell to heal them. I waved my hand to him in Farwell and walked to the water basin at the end of the arena for a drink of water. The cool liquid flowed down my throat as I took drinks of the water, cupping my hand under the facet and raising it to my mouth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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