chapter 2: a place of mine

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The sun was drifting over the horizon. I had about 2 hours before I needed to return to the barracks for breakfast and in the assigning a cleaning duties. I draw my zanpakuto and began warmup drills before I began the complex maneuvers that involve shunpo, flash step. I think up a scenario and play out the sword strokes in reality. A hollow was in front of me attacking for my right. I dived out to the left and cleaved its Mask in half. Simple enough. The hollow attacks me from behind and I dodged it and counter with my zanpakuto slashing upward and I cut off its arm. When a smooth flick of my wrist, I cleaved the hollows mask in half.

"your defense is weak." The soft yet masculine voice spooked me. I was so focused on my training I didn't see him approach. I quickly sheathed my blade and looked to him at the edge of the clearing and I bow with respect.

"squad 6 captain Kuchiki; what an honor." I raise my head. "What can I do to improve my defense, captain, sir?"

"your guard is weak on your left. When you strike, you leave yourself wide open for attack."

He shunpoed away before I could thank I'm for his advice. I admire captain Kuchiki for his way with words. Always blunt and to the point, no side stepping or sugarcoating things. I look up at the sky. Full sun. I better be getting back to the barracks. In a race to get back, I flash step, timing how fast I could get there.

And just in time too. Ikkaku Madarame, 3rd seat, was yelling at the rest of the squad to get up for breakfast. I slipped into the back of the line without being noticed. I continue to think about what captain Kuchiki had said about my guard being weak. How would I fix that? Before I knew, I was in the front of the line for food. I served myself some rice and stew.

"hey, Wind," one of the squad members called out to me.

"mmmmm?" I turned towards them.

"come sit with us! We saved you a seat!"

I made my way over to them and sat down and spotted they had reserved for me.

"thanks guys; I really appreciate it," I said before setting my tray down to eat.

"are we doing group training again today?" one of the men asked.

"how should I know?" and back and forth between the two.

"I kind of want to use zanpakuto today"

"I'll agree. It would be nice instead of those wooden sparring swords"

"I'll agree with you to that."

A number of conversations grew around me as I ate quietly, not bothering anyone of the squad members around me. So I started thinking again, about the little things... then a question caught my ear.

"what do you think wind? could I do it?"

"hmmm?" I mumbled with a mouth full of rice.

"are you listening?" the dark haired man beside me nudged me. "he asked if you think he could beat Ikkaku in a fight."

"hmmm." I mumbled again, swallowing my rice. "I don't think so. He's 3rd seat for a reason. Hozukimaru is strong, a lot stronger than my zanpakuto."

Silence from everyone, almost every time I spoke my opinion, things quieting for a few second, then conversations picked up again.

"riddle me this: have you unlocked your zanpakuto?" the afro guy in front of me asked.

"still... working on that."

"good luck with that windy~!" a cute girly voice practically scared me out of my shihaksho.

"lieutenant Kusajishi."

"hi Maki-Maki~!"

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a draw string bag of always that I always have for her.

"here, lieutenant." said, handing her the candy. "there's rock candy in it this time, too." I said, smiling at her, hiding all other feelings.

"oooh~! Thanks Windy!"

I was practically beaming. With a slight chuckle I told her your welcome.

No, I have a nickname. Nice! The same one that Yuki and Natasha called me from time to time. I saddened as I thought about my family in the rucon district. I hope their doing alright...

Some of the members willing invited me to eat with them. Another good omen. Pretty soon I'm done eating and head over to the notice board for any new news and... nothing. Good. I head over to the training field to continue my training...

my way of the blade (bleach fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя