Chapter 21: Those With Responsibility

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Authors Note: (Hello, this is the Author speaking. I just wanted top apologize for the very very late release. But i'm sure most of you know how much life gets in the way. For all those who waited it out enjoy reading. And don't forget to comment on anything you think needs improvement. also thank you those who have voted for this book it means more than you know. Author Out!)


   They slept through that night but then they were on the rode again before sun up. There was an air around everyone that morning. It was an air on determination.

   They rode for three days straight before The Mountain of Fire came into view. The mountain looked small from where they were it was still about a day's ride away. But it was massive. It was only rise that one could see for miles in the region that was known as the Minoan plains. Unlike the normal green Seth had gotten used to the Minoan Plains looked as if the rest of the world had already moved past winter and entered spring. But the Plains seemed to be permanently stuck in fall. The miles and mile of tall golden grass and gentle, very gentle rises made Seth think that they were back in Kansas. And his mind seemed to calm. The others in the group just kept moving forward completely ignoring the world around. Seth did catch Isbis looking back at him occasionally. They shared a smile and then continued their journey.

    As they got closer Seth began to understand why it had been called The Mountain of Fire. They passed a few patches of grass that were on fire due to the ash and coal raining down around them. The closer they got the harder it was to see through the smoke and ash. Seth's eyes watered and his lung burned as they continued riding towards the mountain. But no one flinched no one suggested to stop and rest for a while. Everyone kept moving with grim determination.

   They were so close to their destination they were not about to stop now. Nightfall was approaching fast when they found Matt's group they had arrived before them and had been waiting on the path where they knew Strat would go. Strat didn't even stop or flinch he saw them he just kept on riding. But Matt didn't hesitate either he had already had his team saddled up and ready to ride. So, when Seth and his group came thundering past they just joined the group in it's charge toward the Mountain of Fire. Even though they hadn't stopped to talk there was still and exchange in stories going on as they road. Seth saw Isbis side hug Aria which made Seth appreciate how much skill at riding horses everyone possessed. Then Seth saw Isbis point behind her at me. When she saw that he had noticed her she turned away giggling. Seth on the other had immediately noticed Aria giving him the big sister look.

   Seth sighed in resignation there were going to be a whole bunch of threats coming his way later. Clovis and Travice were talking intently with Mike, and Matt was conversing with Rylee and Jack. It was obvious when Jack told Matt about the news from the Academy because Seth heard Matt swear even from where he was in the rear. Strat turned around and looked at Matt in a sharp unapproving manner and Seth saw Matt apologize.

    A scorching wind slammed into Seth's group taking them all by surprise. "We are close to the Mountain so ready yourselves," Strat yelled to all of them. This brought some looks from the other people of the group. Finally, Mike spoke up.

    "Um Strat, I know we're all in a hurry, but shouldn't we rest first maybe take the night and attack in the morning." Strat's look made Seth cringe, but Strat seemed to calm in an instant.

   "I don't think so Mike," Strat said. Mike sighed looking to the others in the group for support.

   "Look I get it you are worried about the Academy, but we won't be any good to them if we can't perform our duties to the best of our ability, right?" Strat seemed to think on this. Silence ensued for another minute or two until Seth saw Strat's shoulders slump. Seth had never seen this side of Strat before. Then again, he also hadn't known Strat for all that long. But Seth could tell that the losses at the Academy were weighing heavily on Strat. Probably more than anyone else around. Strat was supposed to be the protector of the Academy, a figure it's people could trust to keep them safe. So of course, he was taking it harder than others. After hearing of the deaths, he probably felt like he had failed the people.

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