Chapter 24: The Battle's Conclusion and the Determination to Believe

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Chapter 24

The Academy was in flames. Katie mother to Seth was among the many agents fighting in the streets of the Academy.
"Ma'am another wave is incoming," reported one of the agents under command. The market and housing district were in flames and the square and drenched in the blood of the fighter demon and agents both. But the agents were clearly losing. "Well we're going to ..." Katie paused as she became aware of a soft golden light, that was piercing the smoke and fire of the battle field. Looking up Katie caught her breath as she bore witness to and amazing sight. Her own son wrapped in a golden light descended from the clouds. A blue glow emitted from his upraised left hand. Katie couldn't believe it. However, she didn't even have time to process all that was happening because at that moment a wave of water taller than the Academy walls seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Katie flinched as it swept over her, but other than a slight cool feeling she didn't get wet at all. She noticed the same was true for all the agents and other members of the Academies.

The demons though, they had much worse. The wave mercilessly washed them away. From side to the other the wave cleansed the Academy of all demons.

And all most could do was stare in shock as the realization came over everyone at the Academy. The battle was over! Victory was theirs. The echoes roar of triumph was said to be heard by all for kilometers in all directions. It was a testament to the Academy's strength in their God and his ability to bring them to victory.

When Seth awoke he was informed by all his friends of what had transpired. The description of him wiping out an entire demon army sent shiver down his back.

"It was awe inspiring," was Mike's comment. Since Seth had laid unconscious for several weeks the academy was already beginning to rebuild. As Seth walked through the still rubble strewn streets, wrapped in bandages. He couldn't help but remember what it had looked like before. So much had been destroyed in the demon's attack. It was really saddening to see the beautiful city that the Lightforce Academy had once been reduced to the shambles it was in now. How ever Seth was walking the city just absorb himself in reverie. No, he was on his way somewhere. Somewhere he'd been avoiding visiting for a few days now. As Seth crest a hill just outside of the town next to and open field he came to a solidary head stone. On it were the words: January 20th 1997 – September, 12th 2018. Isbis Harway beloved friend, and family member, died in battle at Diablo Mountain. During the battle to retrieve the Water Gem Isbis was killed protecting those she loved. May she Live peacefully with God forever.

Seth felt the coolness of tears on his face. "Oh, Isbis I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry," came a voice from behind Seth. Seth spun around to find Rylee standing there. She was looking much better. Instead of armor she wore a fresh white t-shirt, and blue jeans. The look on her face was grim but hopeful.

"She would want you to beat yourself up. In fact, she put her faith in you all the way till the end. That means she must've though a lot of you. You know?" Seth nodded mildly as he turned back to the head stone. "It's alright to grieve for a friend but as long as you believe it's not the end. You'll see her again." With that Rylee turned to go.

"Rylee wait," Seth said. Rylee paused. "I'm sorry." Rylee's face clouded over with confusion.

"For what?" she asked.

"For back then when I refused to believe. It was naïve of me and I'm..."

"It's fine," Rylee said sadness entering her voice for a moment. But the next moment it cleared up. "Come on let's go back to your house. I've been craving a cheeseburger since we got back from our mission." For the first time since Seth had woken up after the attack he laughed. A genuine laugh that seemed to clear any ill will either of them had been harvesting still. "Maybe I'll make Bacon cheeseburger this time."

Rylee looked at him puzzled. "What's bacon?" Seth felt as if he had just been punched.

"What!? No, no never mind I forget you guys don't have that stuff here."

Seth turned away from Isbis's grave with one final look back he turned toward the city and began to walk with Rylee down the hill. "You have so much to learn," Seth stated feeling more hopeful then he had since Isbis's death. The demons were still out there sure. However, Seth knew that as long as he remained faithful, he and his new friends would continue to protect the Academy, Elementia, and both the worlds Seth called home. In the name of God, they would protect all they held dear. And believing that almost certainly made it true. End

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