Friday the 13th

38 2 1

English Class

So I was sitting on book for some random reason...

J: I see you're sitting on book...
Are you booksexual or something? Your always opening them up and leaving them, never to be touched again. You're such a whore..

Me: WhAt? 😂😂
Yeaahh I'm such a slut

L: I cry tears of lemonade

J: when your crying I lick them in you're sleep.

L: What? Do you even know where I live??

J: I actually don't know. I sneak in when you come home.

L: Excuse me?

J: Yeah, and I watch your brother masturbate.

L: He doesn't even live with me. He lives with his girlfriend.

J: Yeah but guess what.

L: What?

J: He masturbates to gay porn.

J an L Laugh

L: Wtf😂😂


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