Macbeth is a Mood

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1:00am calls with cannibal37

Me: So here's what's going down for the school year to come.

J: Yeah..?

Me: So we got SBA's, that's gonna be a bitch.

J:  i am not looking forward to that...

Me: oh! And I started reading How to Kill a Mocking Bird,,, But it's like,, I don't know where the plot is going or anything. Like, where's the conflict? I'm only reading because I'm obliged to and I'm thinking the title is a metaphor to smth but idk what?

J: yeah my sister kinda explained it to me.

Me: well I'm gonna read an article on it after I finish. But like 1900's authors are so difficult. For a story your just need a climax, conflict and resolution basically, where's that?

J: .....

Me: the story just has to go like, Johnny goes to store, Robber enters store, Johhny is shocked, Robber threatens to kill Johnny, Johnny says no and walks home. End of story.

J: pfffffttt! What?!? 😂😂

Me: I DUNNO! I just thought of that!!

J: 'Johnny says no and walks home' that's literally all I heard, ______. Your weird.

Me: i know. But 1900's man!! Shakespeare too! You can't blame me for thinking Macbeth is a mood.

J: *sighhhh*

Me: are you— are you sighing?

J: yesssss.

Me: Oml jayy. I can almost feel your breath!

J: *laughs*

Me: its truuee. Anyway, technically Macbeth is suicidal or something? I don't remember well and I think his mom died??? But yeah!! Mood.

J: *heavy sigh*

Me: stop sighing!!

08.17.18, Fri /// 3:08am and i just posted. Hurrah!! But yeah we also talked about me wanting to go to an asylum to check out what it's like. J was going to tell me I was weird but realized she wanted to go too. Since it's late and we're sleep deprived,, we got emotional and giddy. But she wenntttt to beddd and I'm boreddd and lonely!

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