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One week later...

"So, is you'll have me back... I'd really love to be on the squad again." I pleaded with the cheer coach. Right after my abortion and me temporary mental breakdown, I just stopped showing up to cheer practice. After three or more missed practices and or two or more missed games with no excuse, you're automatically considered off the team. Now that I was back to normal again and doing good, I really wanted to rejoin the team. I could see all of the cheerleaders watching me, wondering what I was doing, with the exception of Jessica who I'd told. "And you're fully back to yourself?" She questioned and I vigorously nodded my head. "I know that I screwed yall over and I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, honey. I understand that you were dealing with a lot. The spot is yours." She interrupted me with a smile and I squealed before wrapping her up in a tight hug. "Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret it." I grinned and she chuckled with a nod of her head. "Go ahead and go get changed into practice clothes. You can go ahead and come back today." She instructed me and I quickly obeyed her and ran off to the locker room. I changed as fast as I could, not wanting to irritate the coach on my first day back, and then ran back into the gym after putting my stuff into my cheer locker. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail, not even concerned with the hickeys that my boyfriend had left on me the night before. Even a week later, I was still so giddy about Montgomery officially being my boyfriend now. Our parents were even thrilled because as it turns out, they always thought that we should be together because we're so much alike. I was the happiest I've ever been in my life. I skipped over to Jessica with a grin and she laughed before pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Evie!" She smiled and I did the same. "I'm so glad to be back! I finally feel like my life is going back to normal." "With the exception of Monty being your boyfriend now. That's definitely not going back to normal, that's new." She chuckled and I jokingly shoved her before turning my attention the the rest of the squad. "Hey girls, I'm back on the squad." I smiled shyly while sending them all a wave. They had all kind of ditched me since everything happened, even more so after the pictures of Monty and me came out. They were also all very close to Sherri, so that didn't help my case either. I was fine though. My friends' that mattered were still around, I have an amazing boyfriend, my family has been great lately, my grades are back up, and I'm back on the cheer squad. I didn't care what anyone thought about me or had to say about me anymore. "Well you've sure got a lot of catching up to do for tomorrow's assembly." Sarah, one of my teammates, said in a snide tone. "That's fine, I've always been a fast learner." I shrugged my shoulders and then spoke up again. "Will someone show me the routine?" I questioned and they all looked at each other hesitantly. They all continued to stand there with their arms crossed. "Oh for fucks sake... I'll show you, Eve. Come on." Jessica snapped before grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the other side of the gym. "Don't let them get to you." Jessica said once we were out of their hearing range. "Don't worry, I'm good. They don't phase me." I smiled and she did the same while nodding. "You know the assembly is for the baseball team tomorrow, right? We're all required to go to the game and cheer for them too even though we don't perform at their games." Jessica explained to me. "I was gonna go tomorrow anyways, so no biggie." I waved her off. She began teaching me the routine and after a couple of hours of nonstop practice, I got it down pat. "Told you I've always been a fast learner." I smirked at her as we walked back into the locker rooms along with the rest of the squad to change. As soon as I started to change, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "What?" I questioned confused while looking around. "Try not to be such a whore and be covered in hickey's tomorrow. It's not a good look for our squad at the game." The captain named Lydia spat. "They're just hickey's." I chuckled with a roll of my eyes before continuing to get dressed. "Plus, I'm not a whore. My hickey's are from..." "Don't even say it." Sarah interrupted me with a tone while standing next to Sherri protectively. "I'm gonna try to understand yalls thought process for a second... so, I was supposed to tell Monty no whenever he asked me to be his girlfriend just because Sherri, someone that I was never even really friends with, dating him for a couple of months?" I scoffed and they all nodded their heads. I could hear commotion in the hallway, and I knew that the baseball team was making their way into the locker room. Monty and I had rode together this morning, so it was perfect timing. "Y'all may not have ever been all that close, but y'all are team mates so you should've had some sense of loyalty to her." Lydia snapped. "I did. My loyalty to her was not ever coming on to him while they were together. My loyalty was the fact that I was going to talk to her about Monty and me before anyone else found out until a little perv posted pictures of us. I'm happy though, so I don't regret my decision at all." I snapped back and they all stood there in silence. Whenever I saw Sherri open her mouth to speak, I put my hand up to stop her. "I don't have time for yalls nonsense anymore. Just leave me alone and we won't have any problems." I told all of them before waving bye to Jessica and walking out with my stuff. As soon as I rounded the corner into the gym, Monty stood up from his spot on the bleachers with a smile. "How'd it go, baby?" He asked once I reached him and I shrugged my shoulders. He pulled me in for a kiss before we made our way out of the gym. "Practice itself was fine because I stayed with Jess but I was just ambushed in the locker room." I rolled my eyes and he looked back over his shoulder angrily. The rest of the girls were coming out, so they saw him. "I'm glad y'all are out here now." He called out to them before spinning me around, placing his hand on my butt, and passionately kissing me. I laughed into the kiss and then he pulled back with a little smirk and a glint in his eye. "I just wanted them to see me kiss my girlfriend since they're so concerned with our relationship." He smirked and I playfully rolled my eyes at him before looping my arm through his and dragging him out of the gym. "You get caught up into the drama too much." I chuckled as we were making our way to his jeep. "Na, I just don't like people fucking with you is all." He responded and I sweetly smiled at his words. "Guess what I haven't told you today?" I grinned cheekily and he raised his eyebrow with a little smile, knowing what was coming. "I loveeee youuuu." I said in a goofy voice, causing him to laugh. "You're such a weirdo." He laughed while unlocking his jeep once we reached it. "But... you're my weirdo." He added after a second with a goofy little grin. "And you're a cheesball." "I'm a cheesball? Really? Coming from the girl who calls me pet names like pumpkin, sugar, boo, snookums, and honey." He laughed in response and I did the same. "Hey! You like those names, don't deny it, baby." I chuckled as we were hopping into his jeep. As soon as we were in and he cranked it up, he looped his fingers through mine and placed our joined hands down on my lap. "I was gonna go to Bryce's, you wanna come with me?" He asked after a second and I shrugged my shoulders. Somehow, Monty and Bryce ended up making up a couple of days ago like nothing ever happened. That's guys for you though. "Are you sure you don't want it to be a guys night? You haven't had one of those since we started dating and you used to do it like three times a week." I suggested but he shook his head. "I'd rather have you around then have a guys night any day." He smiled and I blushed. I still couldn't get used to this. I loved it though. "Alright, I'll come with you." I smiled and he turned to me with a smirk. I knew that he had a dirty joke up his sleeve. "Oh baby, you'll definitely be coming with me later." He joked and I sarcastically laughed before smacking his arm. He was right though. We would definitely be having sex later because we have a very active sex life. We practically can't keep our hands off of each other. "Lydia told me I can't come to school with anymore hickey's tomorrow." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her ridiculous demand. "But I like people knowing that you're mine." He whined as we pulled into Bryce's driveway. I immediately recognized all of our friends cars in the driveway, so I knew that all the other guys were already there. As usual though, I'm the only girl. "I'm always the only girl." I whined this time and Monty chuckled while helping me out of the jeep. "Invite Jessica over then." He suggested and I shook my head. "I don't think Justin wants her here. He likes to come over here to get away from her." "You are right with that one." Monty responded while I jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. Something I had started doing all the time now. "Lucky for me, my boyfriend loves having me around." I giggled happily before kissing his cheek. "At least you know it." He looked up to me over his shoulder with a smile and I grinned back at him. Our relationship is like it's straight out of a cheesy romcom but I couldn't get enough of it. We walked through the sliding glass doors of the pool house and everyone chuckled at the now expected sight of me on Monty's back. "What's up, Monteve?" Justin laughed, using the stupid couple name that Jessica had named us. "Please don't ever say that shit again." I laughed while Monty stood in front of the couch and allowed me to fall back off of him and on to the couch. He sat down next to me and immediately wrapped both of his arms around my waist, pushing one of his hands underneath my shirt so that he could feel my skin. He layed his head down on my shoulder and I chuckled to myself at how much of a snuggler he is. No one would expect that or some mushy romance out of the mean, bullying, angry, Montgomery De La Cruz. I reached into my purse and pulled out a cigarette and lighter and Monty lit one up with me. "Mind if I bum one?" Justin asked and I shook my head before handing him one and my lighter. "So I heard your back on the cheer squad, Evie. That's good." Justin said to me after inhaling his cigarette. "Yeah, I am. I'm happy that coach let me back on." "They needed you. You're the only one who can fucking keep rhythm." Alex said in a snarky tone and we all laughed. "Hey now, my girl is on the team, dude." "My point exactly." Justin and Alex said one after another. "Jess isn't too bad. And as much as I hate to admit it, Sherri's pretty good too." I told everyone and they all agreed with me. "How'd she act whenever she realized that you're back on the team?" Bryce asked with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes. "She didn't say anything but her little goons did." I said and they all laughed at my words. Once Bryce lost to Alex on the game, he handed the controller over to Monty. He had to sit up to play, so he untangled himself from me before getting lost in the game. "Y'all got any weed? I wanna smoke." Monty spoke up for the first time since we'd arrived. "Don't I always?" Bryce smirked before pulling out his bong and packing it. We all passed the bong around and before I knew it, hours had gone by and Monty and I had both passed out on the couch. "Shit, what time is it?" I whispered in a panic while sitting up and pulling out my phone. The time said 12:05am and I knew that we were in trouble with our parents. The only way we were gonna be saved, is if they were still up and at one of our houses working heavily on the business and not paying attention to the time. "Babe, we've gotta go." I said while shaking Monty awake. Bryce was asleep on the other couch, Justin was asleep and a chair, and everyone else was gone. All of the lights and tv were turned off too, so I figured Bryce's mom came out here and did that. "Damn, what time is it?" Monty groaned while rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "After midnight. We've gotta go, like now." I rushed before jumping up and grabbing my stuff. He immediately panicked too and rushed to grab his stuff before we ran out the door. "They're gonna kill us." I mumbled as we were hopping into his jeep. "We'll just tell them that we fell asleep. We don't have to include that we fell asleep because we smoked a shit ton of weed." He assured me before speeding off down the road. I nodded my head, trying to convince myself that he was right and that we'd be fine. Once we pulled into my driveway, I sighed in relief whenever I saw his parents car there too, two other cars, and all of the lights inside still on. "Saved by the business." He chuckled and I did the same. We hopped out and jogged through the garage and then went in through the side door. As soon as we walked in, everyone looked up from the paperwork scattered all over the kitchen table and smiled at us. "Hey, guys." My mom smiled and we both returned it while waving. "Monty, Evie, this is Bob, Rachel, Daniel, and Elizabeth. They own a business that we're making a deal with. Everyone, this is my son Monty and his girlfriend and their daughter Evie." Monty's mom introduced us. We both waved while awkwardly still standing in place. "I ordered pizza if y'all want any." My mom spoke up. Once they all looked back down, we looked at each other and grinned. Pizza. We both had the munchies bad and that pizza was going to taste amazing. We practically ran each other over trying to get to the pizza and I felt all of the adults eyes on us. "Well children, are y'all starving?" Monty's dad chuckled and we both couldn't help but to blush. "They're not starving, they're high." My dad laughed and I was surprised that not only was he so okay with it, but that he actually said it in front of these other people. They must be cool or something or he never would've said that in front of them. Monty choked on his pizza at my dads words and that just cracked them up even more. I patted his back until he calmed down and then he started laughing too. "I mean, do y'all not see their bloodshot eyes? And you can smell it all over them." My dad laughed again and then once they all got a good look at us, they laughed too. "I remember those days. Fun times." Elizabeth chuckled and now I knew for sure that they're cool. "So, you're not mad?" I asked timidly and all four parents shook their heads no. "Teenagers will be teenagers." Monty's mom shrugged and we both let out a sigh of relief. "You two have gotten yourselves into far worse situations anyways." She added after a second. I glanced at Monty out of the corner of my eye and saw sadness written all over his face. He knew that she was talking about us getting pregnant and having an abortion and he was still really torn up about it. Hell, we both are. After that, they all went back to work and we finished eating. "We're going to my room." I informed them before grabbing Monty's hand and pulling him along behind me. "We're all just gonna spend the night here, son. So go ahead and go to sleep." His dad informed him and he nodded his head. "Oh, and use protection this time, boy!" He yelled up to him after a second and we both furiously blushed before practically running up the staircase. I could hear all of the adults laughing down stairs and I had a pretty good idea that they'd been drinking while trying to get through all of that paperwork. "They're definitely drunk." Monty chuckled once we reached my room as he shut the door behind us. "Ya think?" I questioned sarcastically with a little smile before grabbing some pajamas and changing. He slipped down to his boxers and then tossed himself onto my bed. He opened up his arms with a cute little grin, asking me to come and lay with him. I chucked and got the tv sat up before laying down with him. He quickly wrapped himself around me and I snuggled into him as close as I could. "They trust us." He muttered after a second while playing with my hair and I nodded. "I'm surprised." He added and I nodded again. "Me too. I guess they're just so happy we're finally together that they don't even care about the rest of it anymore." I told him my theory and now it was his turn to nod. "Hey, Eve?" He got my attention and I looked at him. "I love you. I never said it back earlier." He smiled and I grinned before connecting our lips. The kiss quickly turned heated and I pulled away for a second. "Would it be weird to have sex with our parents downstairs?" I questioned and he smirked at me before answering and pushing my pants and panties down. "You just have to be really quiet." "I can't make any promises, but I'm willing to try." 

A Beneficial Friendship {Montgomery De La Cruz}Where stories live. Discover now