Chapter 2

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"Well, that was the final episode, Mere! Olivia is still sleeping, I think we should fall asleep too. Goodnight Merebear!" I stroke the back of her neck a few times.

I stay extra quiet and continue to stroke Meredith so she quickly drifts off into sleep, and then quietly tiptoe down the stairs. Ed is still here, and I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. He looks up at me and grins widely.

"Hi lovey, I think I better get going now. Id love to sleep over, but the paparazzi might be outside when I wake up, so then it would take forever for me to get out of the house and get back to my place. it's just best if I leave now. I'm positive that I won't get caught by the paps at this time. I hate to have to leave you, but I promise i'll come back as soon as all of the paparazzi get bored and leave tomorrow. Text me when the paps go. Okay?"

"Okay." I reply.

I kiss him and let him grab his stuff and go. I put on my robe and walk outside with him to his car, give him another big kiss and hug, and let him go. I wave to him as he drives away, and as soon as no headlights are seen, I walk back inside.

I make myself a hot cup of tea and grab another slice of cheesecake and go into the living room. I sit on the couch and take a sip of my tea, turn on the TV, and flip through some channels until I find one of my favorite movies is on. "Mean Girls". I start watching that, and during the commercials, I pick up Food Network magazine and start reading. On the third page, I find a note from Ed.

"Hi honey, I knew you'd pick this magazine up sooner or later, and I just want to tell you that I love you to the moon and back. By the time you've read this letter I probably have left already, so I miss you so much! See you tomorrow, babe. Also, does lunch at the Bluebird Cafe sound good? it better, 'cause I have something important for you that i would love to give you there. I'll swing over at your place around 11:00 am and we can go for lunch at maybe 1:00? I think it's time to bring you out on an actual date- we've been dating for like 2 years and still haven't had a date outside of each other's houses. Love you baby.



He's so adorable! I smile and place the note down on the table. Mean Girls comes back on. I barely even paid any attention to what was going on, because all that was on my mind was "What does he need to show me?".

An hour or so passed and the movie was over. I just start flipping through the magazine again. Olivia creeps down the stairs and plops down next to me, and I pet her soft fur. Im not really sure what happened next, I think I fell asleep or something, because i don't remember anything from that point on.

I wake up at 10 am to the sound of Olivia and Meredith hissing at each other, and the voice of a British man trying to break up the fight. Ed. I pretend to still be asleep so I can see how Teddy deals with this.

"GIRLS! CATS! KITTENS! PETS OF MY GIRLFRIEND! PLEASE, STOP! You're going to wake Taylor up. Actually... in fact, I bet she's already up. I bet she's pretending to be asleep so she can overhear everything I'm about to do. And I bet she's going to try and not wake up, but she'll fail at that, as I go ahead and TICKLE HER!!"

he knew what I was doing, and I knew what was coming. I hated it when Ed tickled me!

Ed places his hands on my stomach and moves his fingers around, and I laugh and screech and yell at him in a playful way to stop.


"Well, I don't want you to hate me!"

He stops tickling me and walks into the kitchen, and comes back out with a tray holding 2 cups of coffee, an assortment of heart shaped donuts, and some bacon.

"Wow, Ed, did you make this? When? I love you!"

I give Ed a huge smile and stand up to kiss him.

"Yeah, I got here, I dunno, maybe an hour ago? You were still asleep so I just decided to make you some breakfast-in-bed, or, er, breakfast-in--couch?"

We giggle and he sets down the tray. I grab a donut with pink frosting and sprinkles and take a big bite out of it. Ok. Let's be honest. I may or may not have stuffed my face with, like, 3 donuts? Hey, don't judge! I was hungry, and they were really good!

"Ed, wow, thish ish really good! Where didjoo get shem?" I say with a mouth full of food.

"Ah... well, would you believe me if I told you I baked them up this morning?"

"Nope. Not at all." I grin a little.

"Good," Ed smiles. "Because I didnt. They're from that bakery downtown. I picked them up on my way here."

We eat our donuts together and take sips of our coffee. I turn on the TV and channel surf until i just decide to watch the news.

"And that was Denise, with the weather. Now, we have hot celebrity pop news!"

Ed and I roll out eyes. This stuff is normally always full of rumors and lies.

"First up- Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. Is it official? Are they really dating? Taylor posted a pic on Insta last night of a selfie of her and a piece of cheesecake made by Ed Sheeran, with a hashtag in the caption "cheeseBAEke." Could this have been a hint that Ed Sheeran is her 'bae'?

I don't know about you guys, but you could definitely tell by her face in the picture that she seemed pretty lovestruck! So, what do you all think? Is Sweeran real or are the two celebs just your average besties?"

It's kind of funny, at first. I mean, do they really think that Ed is my 'bae' because I said #cheeseBAEke? Yes, he is my bae, but come on! Wow.

I grab the remote and shut off the TV. Ed and I stare at each other deep in the eyes. At the same time we say, as if planned,

"Oh god."

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