Part 35

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I looked alt him.
- Patrick what..... - he interrupted me
- Oh, sorry. How could I forget your.... - he couldn't even talk because he was so drunk
I looked at Henry and he stopped looking at Patrick to look at me. In his face there was a smile, it was obvious that was making him laugh.
I looked back at Patrick.
- Patrick what are you saying? - I said
He closed his eyes and put his hands on his head like if he was trying to remind something.
He looked at us.
- I'm not sure..... is she your girlfriend or mine? - he asked to Henry
Henry was laughing so hard.
- What are you laughing at? - Patrick asked confused - Well.... I see I have interrupted something so ....
He turned around and started to walk away. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around again to look at us.
- Wait a minute - he said - She is my girlfriend, not yours
Henry was still laughing. He nodded.
Patrick walked towards me and hugged me, again.
- Well.... - he started to talk - I'm leaving
He walked away. When he was walking downstairs, he stumbled with something and fell all the stairs down.
I couldn't help but started to laugh. Henry couldn't even breathe because that made him laugh even more.
We went to help him.

We were on a bedroom with Patrick. Henry was lying on the bed and Patrick was sitting on a chair, supporting his head on his shoulder.
- I'm thirsty- I said
Patrick looked at me and smiled.
- Well, I have something for you to drink - he said
Henry started to laugh and so did Patrick.
- Well.... I'm going to get something to drink - I said
I stood up and left.

Henry's POV
I had not laughed that much in a while. When Patrick was drunk he always made me laugh a lot.
- Henry - he said
- Tell me
- Zoey has never gave me a blowjob - he told me - And it's pretty sad
I smiled.
- Yeah well... all in due time- I said
He laughed.
- Yes, you are right

Zoey's POV
I was in the corridor making my way to the bedroom when someone blocked my way.
It was John.
- Oh, hi - I said
- Hi Zoey - he smiled - Where are you going?
- There - I said pointing the door of the bedroom
- Why - he asked
- Why are you so interested? - I asked back
- Are you going to have sex with someone?
- No - I said - And even if I did, it's none of your business
He laughed.
- Really? - he asked stabbing his back on the wall
He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer.
- What are you doing? - I asked
- Nothing - he laughed - I just want to appreciate how beautiful you are
I tried to get away but he grabbed me by the waist to pull me even closer.
He turned around and put my back against the wall.
- Hey, let me leave - I told him
He smiled.
- Just chill - he said kissing my neck
I tried to punch him, but he was a lot stronger than me.

Henry's POV
- Why is she taking so long? - asked Patrick
I shrugged.
- I don't know - I said
Then we started to hear some voices.
It was Zoey fighting with someone.
Patrick stood up and so I did.
We opened the door and looked through the corridor. We saw John trying to kiss Zoey. Forcing her. That made me sick.
I looked at Patrick.
- LET MY GIRL GO RIGHT NOW! - he yelled
John and Zoey turned to see him.
Patrick started to walk in their direction.
John started to walk away and went downstairs, Patrick followed him.

Zoey's POV
Henry walked towards me.
- Are you Okay? - he asked
I nodded.
- We should go -I said -Patrick is too drunk to fight with someone
We followed them.
We walked all over the house following them. We arrived to the room that was where the music and the people was. The boys saw us and they looked at us confused, but I had no time for stop and explaining them what was going on.
I crashed against Jayden.
- Oh Hi Zoey! You ......
I interrupted him.
- I have no time - I said
I walked away.
I started to run because I was loosing them.
We arrived outside.
- Come here motherfucker! - I heard
Patrick was so close to him.
- Patrick stop! - I yelled
I looked around. Where the fuck was Henry?
- Patrick! - I yelled again
My breathe was shaken because I was tired.
I ran towards him and stopped him.
- Patrick - I said grabbing his face - Stop
- No - he gently pushed me and ran towards John
Patrick grabbed John by the t-shirt and started to hit him.
I tried to stop him but I couldn't.
I went inside the house looking for help.
- Guys - I said - We have to go outside right now
- What's wrong? - asked Belch
- Patrick is hitting a boy - I said
- Does the boy deserve it? - asked Belch
- Yes - I said
- Then, What's the problem?
- He is drunk and he is hitting him so hard - I said - Like really hard
They all stood up and went outside.

Patrick Hockstetter // when he smilesWhere stories live. Discover now