Chapter three: New Contact

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I wait until Buffy is out of sight and reach for her backpack. I unzip the smallest compartment of the backpack searching for her phone.

There it is! I grab the phone, quickly zipping up her bag.

I place my finger over the power button, turning on the phone, and a picture of Buffy and Andi appears onto the screen.

I swipe the screen trying to find her apps when a passcode pops up, and oh great, it had to be the kind you have to actually type out a word or words instead on the simple number lock.

That's just my luck..

What could her password be?

Oh, I know!



The phone vibrated, indicating that I had typed the wrong password.

"Two attempts left" pops up on the screen, meaning if I don't get the code right in the next two attempts, it'll lock up Buffy's phone.

Ummm.. what could possibly be her password?

Hmmm.. She can be pretty cocky sometimes so maybe..



"One attempt left."

Crap, wrong again.

Come on Cyrus, think!

This might be a long shot but.. what other choice do I have?


I close my eyes, expecting the "vrrrr" sounds to tell me I had entered the wrong password but surprisingly, I didn't hear the sound.

I open up my eyes to see that her phone was unlocked.

Ha, I always knew she had the hots for Marty, even though she won't admit it.

I began scrolling through her apps until I see the phone icon. Once I notice it, I click on it.

I saw Tj's number and quickly take out my phone from my pocket and enter it as a "new contact"

Welp, here goes nothing...

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