True love

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   On your way to your internship with Ryukyu you notice that Momo is walking down the street to hers and decide to tell her about your feeling towards her but she stops you and asks if you want to talk since neither of you have to be at your internship for hours. You say yes and after a few minutes of talking you tell her "I need to tell you something." She then asks what it is and you tell her this "Momo I have liked you since I first saw you and I just wanted to know if you liked me to." She then turns a red to rival Kirishimas' hair and then replies by closing the distance between you both with a passionate kiss. But you being surprised by this took a minute to start kissing back and when you broke apart you responded with "I'll take that as a yes then." You said that like a smartass then you said bye to your new girlfriend and went to your internship.

Time skip at Ryukyus agency
As soon as you walked in you saw a note on the counter saying "Go to the training room." When you got down there you saw Ryukyu in her dragon form and she smacked you across the room to make you mad as this was your normal sparring session but you were to happy with what happened with Momo to get mad today and she simply got frustrated at how happy you were that she nearly killed you a trying to get you angry. So after she gave up trying it was time to leave and she sent you home. When you were on your way home you spotted Momo and when she walked past you not paying attention you turned around and grabbed her from behind scaring the shit out of her. Then she saw it was you and embraced it talking about how her boss made her and her fellow intern be in commercials and after that you went home exhausted from having a close encounter with death.

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