Part. 2

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I wake up jittery and excited, kinda nervous. I get dressed quickly, brushing my teeth and then doing my hair as nicely as possible, I have someone to loom good for?!
I walk down to subway so I can get to school, duh.
I can't help bug think who it could possibly be, it obviously isn't:
These are the only for sure straight people I know but I really only know six people so it could be:
Charlie Murphy, one of Flash's friends, but is really nice and is always telling Flash to be nicer and you know not call me Penis Parker. -_-
(Y/N) (L/N), we aren't super close, but every now and then he'll sit next to me and eat lunch with me and Ned. He's part of the theater troop and is honestly pretty cute too.
I think that's it everyone else is pretty open or like someone of the opposite sex. But (Y/N), that would be amazing he's so cute and nice really. I'm thinking and thinking and then my phone dings it's an E-mail I look up to see if anyone may have just gotten off their phone and I see (Y/N) put his phone away and saunters over. Guess Six will have to wait. :(
He sits a next to me and smiles at me, while Ned sparks up some conversation I'm barely listening to just checking to make sure he doesn't spill my Spidey secrets. Then I hear "So Peter, what are you doing for Halloween?" (Y/N) asks. I choke on the milk I'm drinking trying to answer "oh, uh I didn't really have any plans" I cough out seeing as Halloween is a HUGE crime night "well my parents are going to be gone Halloween weekend so HALLOWEEN PARTY AT MY PLACE" he announces the last part to the whole cafeteria and people cheer. I laugh to myself and say to Ned "That's so cool his parents are letting him throw a party my parents are... dead." "OH MY GOD PETER!" 
As lunch finishes up I go to the library to check my Emails.

From Six

Hey what's up? What are you doing for Halloween?  I don't think I'll dress up what about you?

                                                                      Warmly, Six
P.S. LMAO never gonna get over your name

To Six

I was thinking of going to (Y/N)'s, but I don't know what I want to dress up as or if I want to. Never know though.
                                                                      Fondly, Snapple

The bell rings and I rush out of the library, leaving my Email logged in. FUCK.

3rd Person P.O.V.:
Flash gets on the computer, not to do anything important just to play Fortnite or something and sees Peter's Emails. Not really knowing how he can use them against him he prints them out and puts them in his bag.
An idea later on popping into his head. He can blackmail Peter into helping him get with MJ. Yeah, he'll ask Peter to come over make a deal he won't refuse.

To Penis Parker:
Hey man come to my house this afternoon after school I need to talk to you.
To Flash:
Why can't you talk to me at school. You aren't that important, you got your car still an by Spider-Man last homecoming.
To Penis Parker:
Come on man don't bring that up! Just come over.
To Flash:
Whatever but it better be quick I have... stuff to do.

Skip to the Blackmail Meetup Peter's P.O.V.:
"I know about the Emails" Flash says blatantly. I angrily spit back as if  I know how to respond "So what? What will you do? What do I have to do for you to keep it under wraps?" He hesitates and quickly says "Help me get with MJ." I give him a crooked look "WHAT? Due, she'll never like you she has a brain."

GAY Peter Parker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now