Part. 4

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Peter's P.O.V:

I wonder what I should wear to the Halloween party. I could go as Spider-Man, hahaha that's an awful idea. Besides Mr. Stark said that's against "the rules". I SHOULD GO AS MR. STARK! That's the best idea I've had since not telling my best friends I'm gay and Spider-Man ahahhaha JuSt KiDdInG. Oh  well I guess I'll talk to Six. 

To Six:

Hey Six are you going to (Y/N)'s Halloween party. Debate doesn't have practice or anything so I'll definitely be there.

From Six:

Oh yeah I'll definitely be there but, you're on debate? That's crazy cause there's only  few girls and the rest are guys. Of course there's only like 15 of you guys on the team, gosh who could you be?

To Six:

Guess you'll have to keep guessing but I'll  give you a hint I'm going as a very great man. Welp I have to get to my internship bye. 

                                                             -Fondly yours,



Ned had decided to be our designated driver Incase we drank at the party before we left my house though we ate pizza and assembled our costumes. Flash was tagging along but if he throws up in my car on the way home Spider-Man can take care of him. While we were eating I did Peter's makeup AKA drawing on Tony Stark's facial hair. We then finished the looked with a pair of iconic sunglasses. I wonder when Peter is gonna tell us he's gay I mean maybe he isn't but  the way he looks at and talks to (Y/N) sometimes sure has me wondering if that's what makes him so jumpy. I mean he could be Spider-Man but that's a little far fetched even for 

Peter's P.O.V. :

 My costume turned out great and my Stark facial hair turned out great thanks to MJ. She didn't dress up but that was fine she didn't really need a costume to seem cool. Ned dressed as Chewbacca in a Hawaiian shirt, it was pretty good and Flash god I wish he wasn't even here, he's going as Spider-Man. I was a little nervous because Six said he'd be there and by his tone it almost sounded like he was hosting the party but (Y/N) was hosting. GOSH CAN YOU IMAGINE SIX BEING (Y/N). Oof it's not... I'm pretty he's not gay girls flirt with him all the time. Whatever it's ok I'm going out with my friends to have fun and even if (Y/N) isn't gay or interested in me we can still hangout and be friends.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V. :

I'm excited for the party tonight especially since my parents didn't keep their liquor locked up. Of course I didn't want myself or anyone else to get too drunk but a couple drinks wouldn't hurt and the alcohol would run out quickly  with the number of people coming. I did really want Peter to come even if he wasn't Snapple. He's cute and it'd be nice to become better friends with him.  I began the set  up for the party by setting out drinks and snacks, folding out the ping pong table , turning on cool lights and hooking up the speakers. Ten minutes later people started coming through and half an hour later Peter, Ned, MJ and Flash walked in. Flash follows MJ around like a love sick crackhead and Ned splits off to talk to a few other debate kids. After an hour I saw peter in the kitchen. He's standing alone by the alcohol and poured himself a coke with a splash of rum and sipped it awkwardly dressed as Tony Stark, in my opinion a great man. OH MY GOD A GREAT MAN PETER IS SNAPPLE! I made my over to him quickly and thought I'd start sweating anxiety bullets but then I was right in front of him. 


I'm not following the Love, Simon plot completely and it will diverge into something of my own for the most part now just because I only plan on having a few more parts before rapping up. I love all of y'alls support and I hope you continue to enjoy. :D


I struck up the conversation by complementing his costume and he thanked me while taking a swig of his drink "yeah he sure is a great man, huh?" I then waited for his reaction and response. I watched as he let the drink fall out of his mouth and back into the cup and look up at me from the cup. But just as he was about to say something Flash was standing on the center coffee table in my living room, drunk. We turned our attention to him as he screamed "PETER PARKER IS GAY AND I LOVE MJ" he then stumbled off the table and onto the floor. It was still quiet when I turned back to see what Peter's reaction was he was gone.

GAY Peter Parker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now