Chapter 1

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Luca's P.O.V.

Padding out of my den, I yawned. I layed down, looking out across the pack's territory. I could see that Galaxy, Flash, and Kajan were up already. Maybe Kajan would like to go hunting and leave those two alone? I stood up, stretching and padded down the small cliff side that allowed me and Flash to get up to our dens.

"Hey Kajan, leave these two alone and come hunt with me." I yelled over to him, padding towards the forest. I saw his head perk up and he smiled, running over. Even though he was annoying as hell, I still liked to have him around. He had known each other since we were pups, so I was used to his annoying side.
"Oh hey Luca!" He greeted me.
"Hello Kajan," I paused for a moment looking at how close he was to me. I quickly looked back at him. "So are we gonna hunt or just walk and talk?" I asked, smirking. I already knew what he was going to say.
"Ahh, well we could do both," He thought for a moment "Or we could just walk and talk." Ahh, there it was. I knew he'd want to just want walk and talk. I honestly needed to talk to him alone. When we're with everyone one else, he's not himself. He's more of an annoying idiot who won't shut up. It honestly worried me that he wasn't himself around everyone else. What if he actually was bottling up his emotions and didn't have anyone to talk to but me and Flash?

"Alrighty then, I'm fine with that. I was honestly hoping you'd pick walk and talk. I kinda wanted some alone time with you since your not as annoying when you're alone with me."

I smirked, nugging him.
He glared at me.

"Hey! I'm not annoying!"
"Oh yes you are." I argued.

"Yes you are. Now stop fighting it and accept it." I said, snickering. His ears flattened and I smiled, giggling a bit.
"Hey, come on you know your still a good wolf though. Your basically my best friend! In Fact I might make you alpha male." I looked at him as he walked, he was generally close to me. I snickered when he looked up at me, smiling. Suddenly, I got the idea to playfully attack him and show him that I'm the alpha.
I quickly moved behind him and I noticed he was watching what I was doing.
"Ha!" I blurted when I jumped at him. 
"Hey!" He snarled playfully. We wrestled for a bit and when he pinned me, I looked up at him, snickering.
"Now I'm Alpha Male. I beat you!" He yelled playfully as though it'd make me embarrassed.

"Hey! No you didn't!" I moved my back feet up and kicked his stomach, which sent him flying. He grunted as he hit the ground. I quickly stood up and raced over to him.
He grunted and looked at me.
"I think you broke something." He said. I gasped a bit and bend over him to look at his other paw. Suddenly, I was grabbed and pinned. Ugh! That stupid dog. He tricked me!
"Hey! Tha-" I was cut off when he bent down and put his mouth to mine. Oh. my. God. He was kissing me! What do I do? My mind was racing. I didn't know what to do. I wanted this, but he caught me off guard.

I reacted quickly and kicked his stomach again, which sent him flying, again. I quickly stood up.
"As I was saying, that's not fair!" I yelled over to him.

Kajan picked himself up and sat down. He looked hurt.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked, walking over and sitting next to him.
"Just go back to the pack, I need to be alone."
"Kajan, you caught me of guard, I would have liked it if you had asked first. Plus, Your Alpha now!" I joked, trying to calm him.

"True, so then I command you to go back to the pack." He snarled. I jumped back, surprised at his anger.
"Uhh," I cut myself off and thought for a moment.
"Kajan, I'm alpha too, you can't command me to do something. Plus, I am the higher ranking alpha."
"Just go back to the pack!" He blurted.
"Fine.." I sighed and turned away, padding back towards the pack's home. I know what I had done, but he had kissed me without my consent. That's worse than rejecting him.

When I got back to the pack, poked Flash's side with my nose.
"Kajan needs you." I said.
"Hmm? What happened?" He questioned.
"Ask him, he'll tell you." I said weakly, I just stood there, looking at his paws.
"Alright, I'll go talk to him." My ears flattened and I walked him stand up and walk away.

I sighed, padding over to Galaxy. 
Tears started to form in my eyes as I approached Galaxy.

I closed my eyes and fell to the ground. I could hear Galaxy calling Zur over, but I didn't care. I couldn't do it anymore.

I liked him, but I wasn't ready. Things would be awkward between us now.

Great just great. I needed to confess. But when?

I didn't know. Maybe I don't want to know and just go and do it when the time is right.

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