Chapter 4

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Aro's P.O.V.

Darkness filled the sky. I sat here, watching these two wolves for hours. I watched them sing and run around like lovers in a field. What were they doing out here at this time?

My ears flicked as I put up my hood so it'd be harder to see my face.
"Hello there, you're far from your pack's territory." I snickered as I padded up to them. They were obviously mates.

"You two lovebirds on a date or something?"

They both giggled nervously, and they backed away from each other. I could tell one was male one was female due to their scents.
"Heh, so I take it that I interrupted something. Hmm, alright then. I'll be on my way." I padded off, walking toward where Havoc was.
"What are you doing on the Shine pack's territory anyways? I should be alearting my pack right now that you're here."
I chuckled at his 'trying to be awesome' tone.
"Heh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, I have a demon on my side," I snickered. "I'm basically a demon."
"Oh yeah? Where's this demon of yours?"
The female wolf padded up to him and whispered something I couldn't hear.
"Is this 'demon' of yours named Havoc by chance?" I saw that smirk form on his face and I wanted to slam his face onto the ground so much right now. He had beaten me at my own game.
"How do you even know him?" I questioned, my teeth showing.
"My good friend here knows him. She says they're basically best friends." He glanced at her a few times while talking.

Hmm, if they could beat me at my own game, maybe they'd be good in a pack. Maybe they'd accept me and Havoc into the pack.

I mean this other wolf here did know him. I sighed and just nodded for them to follow me.

As I walked, my bracelet type things made the sound of metal being rubbed together. Like the 'cling, clang' of a car when a rock hits it. I've been in town before. I've seen it happen. Most people just think we're dogs, so I roam town sometimes. I've almost been 'petted' before. I honestly don't know why I was, I mean I am I pretty scary wolf, I've learned a few things from Havoc. I mean look at Havoc for a living. He looks like a demon. I mean that in a good way, not an offensive way.

"Heyya Havoc, I brought you some wolves." I sneered.
Havoc turned around and smiled. I could see it. By now, the sun was about to come up.
"Ahh, what'd these poor wolves do to make you so angry?" He questioned. 
"Well, Kajan here is dating your best friend."

Someone hit my back leg causing me to stumble. 
"Hey!" I heard Luca's voice. Havoc looked surprised.
"Luca, your dating Kajan?" Havoc looked confused. Luca growled, sighing.

"No!" She spat. I chuckled, sitting down. Luca gave me the death stare and I stuck my tongue out at her.
Luca stood up and opened her mouth the talk, but she quickly sat down when Kajan's tail flicked up and hit her side. Was he in control? It kinda seemed like Luca was, but Kajan seemed like he was too. Was Kajan forcing her into being his mate?

Kajan did the same thing Luca did, except he didn't sit down and continued to talk.

"Hello Havoc, I am Kajan. You probably know this but, I am the Alpha of the Shine Pack. I'd like it if you two would think about joining our pack, your skills would be very useful to us. Your presence would be very liked in the pack too."
I saw Havoc growl under his breath. He stalked over to Kajan and put his nose to Kajan's nose. Kajan looked surprised, but scared. Havoc snarled, his teeth showing.
"Don't you ever dare touch Luca like that again. She is the higher ranking Alpha, and if she says you guys aren't mates, you're not mates. Plus, she can remove you rank. If you're hurting her, I'll hunt you down and snap your neck and watch you suffer. Get it?" He growled, through gritted teeth. Kajan's eyes grew wide and Havoc snickered, still nose to nose.
"GET IT?" He repeated. Kajan quickly nodded.
"Thank you, and if I need too, I'll be watching your every move, so don't you dare even try to yell at her." Havoc laughed, a slight evil hint to it.
"I agree with Havoc, I'll be watching your every move. You don't need to be taking advantage of a wolf." I snarled. Havoc padded away and snickered again.
"I'll be joining, Luca's pack, but I don't take orders from you, Kajan." Havoc said, padding away flicking his tail. You could just tell he was smirking. Havoc was a sneaky little demon. He could outsmart you any time, any day. I bet I could too, but I still need a little be more training.

I followed Havoc."You two can go now, we'll be there in the morning. Havoc has been to the pack before, just before you've been there."  

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