Chapter 2

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Amber's P.O.V.

I was running around the forest. I was a fast runner, but was clumsy at times. I would get distracted by something and not see where I was the next minute. I had ran away from my wolf pack due to them picking on me. My dream was to be a really good Hunter, but all the wolves believe that I was better at being an Omega.

"I just looove this forest! The plants, animals, and sounds!" I said with a very excited tone. "I wanna make new friends, and actually be accepted in my new journey! I can't waaait!" I kept running. My eyes were filled with adventure and excitement.

A little has passed and I was now laying down on a rock. The sun was almost about to set when I heard something move in a bush. Another wolf bolted out, Their fur was standing on their back. "Who are you?" They hissed with fear and anger in their eyes. "Your different so who are you?" The wolf questioned, showing their teeth. They seemed to be bigger than me . That'd be an advantage if we fought.

"Why are you here? This is my territory now!" I snarled.
"Actually this is the Shine pack's territory, but okay then. Just get taken to their pack's home as a prisoner." The other wolf said.
"What? This is the shine pack's territory? I thought the was unclaimed! There aren't and scents around!" I stated.
"Well, they normally come around to do it right about now."

"Oh, alright. If they catch us here we'll be dead meat. We need to get out of here."
"First, what's your name."
"Mine's Amber, what's yours."
"Hmm? I told you my name, that's not fair!" I snarled.
"My name is Secret. It's literally Secret."

"Ahh, I s-" I was cut off.

I heard the bushes move and I quickly ran toward the other way. Secret following. 
"HEY!" Someone called after us as we ran.
What? The alpha was here? If we stopped now, they'd probably take us in prisoners.
I heard the sound of paws behind us. My side was crashed into, and I fell to the other side, tripping Secret.
"Ah-ha! Got you! Now, I want to know why you're here." He commanded.
Secret was trying to stand up and regain her strength.
The wolf who had stopped us was a Black and Grey male wolf with 2 horns on each side of the head. He also didn't have a normal tail. It was more like a lion's tail than a wolves tail.

"I'm so sorry, please don't take us in as prisoners, we'll do anything but that," I explained. "I am a loner and I need a new pack. I used to be in the Crystal's pack, but I hate it there. They treat me like a pup and it's annoying, so I left and here I am."

"I just met Amber here, I'm Secret. I've been alone all my life and all I have to keep me from leaving this world is the hope that I'll find a pack soon. So, if you need more pack members, we'd like to become the two new omega's and work our was up to a Hunter."

I looked at Secret and sighed. If that's what I had to do to become a hunter, then I had to be a Omega.
"Just promise us we won't be an Omega for a long time." I said. I remember how she had been an Omega for her whole life. I would plan a run away soon, unless I fit in. I kept staring at The black wolf with eyes that told him 'don't mess with me or I'll kill you'. I still didn't really trust Secret or this new wolf. I just thought It was stupid of me to say my name to a wolf I just met!

I started looking around for a escape route just in case. I poked with my nose on Secret's side. "We can run right now! I found a good escape route but you just have to keep up!"

Secret met her eyes. "Got you! I'll be following!"

I secretly started backing up. When I felt a bush with my tail I bolted through it. Secret was right next to me. "Just keep running! I don't know how many wolves there is around here!" I yelped.

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