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Caitlin's POV
I'm in group therapy about to fall asleep. You know how popular girls in movies talk? All annoying and shit, that's how the girl is talking right now. I really don't see why she's in here, her life seems perfect.
Then, all of a sudden, I hear my name being called "Caitlin," the doctor said "Why are you in here?" It was my last week here and I really didn't feel like talking. "You already know, why do I have to tell them?" I replyed, not really caring that I was being rude. "Caitlin!" Rachel said, surprised. She's never seenu he rude/mean side of me. "What, I just don't feel like talking today!" I replyed. "Well ok then, you could have just said that instead." The doctor said, moving on to the next person, Lilly.
Rachel's POV
I don't know why Caitlin's acting like this, we see Demi everyday and she already said she'd take us to see TFIOS and to Six Flags then to see Divergent. Also, this is our last week here, whatever, she's confusing sometimes. Lilly was the last person to talk so when she was done, Dr. Walker let us go to lunch.
Demi's POV
"Hi" I said to the reseptionist. I didn't even have to say who I was here for anymore, they knew who I was. "They're eating lunch hon, you can go in if you'd like." The reseptionist said, she was really nice to me when I was in here and I guess she remembered me. "Thanks" I said and ran to the lunch room. I had really exciting news for them! First, their doctor called this morning and said that I could come get them today if I wanted to! And second, my director, Lucy, heard Caitlin's song and said she wanted to sign Caitlin to Hollywood Records! But, first she wanted to take Caitlin to dinner tonight and get to know her better!
End Ch 21
A/N- Sorry it's short! I need ideas!!!! I'm updating my PLL story in a few mins!!!

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