Ch 25

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Caitlin's POV
"Yay!" Taylor yelled. I was surprised she was so excited about sleeping over! "Who wants to watch Camp Rock!?" Rachel yelled, "Me!!" Taylor and I yelled. In response Demi got up and said "I'm leaving then." "K, night." we reply not paying attention. We're Lovatics, when there's a movie with Demi on, we forget about everything else.
After the first movie ended we put the 2nd one in. After that, we went to bed because I had interviews later and Taylor and Rachel where tired.
Rachel's POV
When I got into bed, I was expecting Demi to be asleep so when she spoke it surprised me. "Did you guys watch the 2nd one too?" "Yup!" I replyed with a smile on my face. "I could barley live with 2 Lovatics now I gotta live with 3." "Well Taylor doesn't live here, she's just sleeping over." "I know but being a fan of both Caitlin and I I'm going to assume she'll be over here a lot." "True, we should go to bed." "Night" "Night."
Taylor's POV
I am soooooo glad I got to sleepover at Caitlin and Demi's! I know they probably get told this daily but they really did/do help me through a lot! I love them both soooo much! More than I could ever tell them!
After the movies, Caitlin and I went up to her room and made our bed then talked for a little while.
Ian's POV
I lay in bed that night, just thinking about the date and how in the car Caitlin kept asking Taylor if she was ok. Also, I though about what they possibly could have talked about and why they wouldn't tell me. I texted Taylor not realizing till after I sent the message that it was after 1.
I = Ian T= Taylor

*text messages*
I-What where you and Caitlin talking about at dinner?
T-Nothing. Just Caitlin's music.
I-oh ok. Wait, is Caitlin the new artist you've been talking about and saying you love her and stuff so much?
T-Yup! You should download her music on your phone. or if you want to you can borrow the copy of her cd I have in my room.
I-Seriously? Thanks!
T-No problem. Just make sure you put it back when your done or b4 I get home tomorrow!

*end txt messages*
I got up and went into Taylor's room got the cd and put it in my cd player. I listened to it 3 times on repeat. Just sitting there listening to her beautiful voice and how real her songs sounded.
I got curious and looked up Caitlin on Google. I read her story and wondered how someone so beautiful and caring an kind ever think she was anything less than perfect!
That's when it hit me. Caitlin and Taylor weren't only talking about Caitlin's music! they where talking about something totally different! Maybe something that could hurt Taylor, something she never told us! I texted her again.
I-you weren't just talking about Caitlin's music were ypu?
I-what where you talking about?
T-I'd rather not tell you. at least not right now.
I-When you get home?
T-Maybe. gtgtb night luv you. and your girlfriend says she loves you too.
I-night luv you too and my girlfriend.
I-I'm glad you guys are getting along so well! Even if it was bc u where a fan of hers first.
Taylor's POV
I had just got done texting Ian when I sighed. "What's wrong?" Caitlin asked. "Nothing I just wished I had a boyfriend." "Well, today I have interviews all day but tomorrow I'm free so I'll help you find a boyfriend!"
End ch 25
A/N- Extra long chapter! Hope you like it! Well until next week! Bye!

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