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Benny was looking for good movies on pornhub only to discover, its for old people. But this one question, comment, took his attention.

What's the best way to cook beacon? by Blackguy17

As benny went through with his day, it was on his mind for the whole day.

"hmmmm, what IS the best way to cook beacon? HAh"

Benny whipped out his phone like it was an anime.

"AHAH" He sent the screenshot to rainy hopkins. With all his curisoty yeah.

Rai first questioned why the boy was on pornhub, she was in shock so she sent some incest on the way just to avoid the situatuion. But after that the boy sent the same question, he wasn't gonna shake it off, he needed an answer.

Then shortly rai came back with a recipe. HERE U GO.

Bennywise replied with a thanks vro, helping a brother out here repspcge. Rai asked a question in return, "np now how do i make my ding dong shrink?" Benny said "cut it off".

Rai was determined "do u have any diamond swords"

"no sorry vro" Those words made rai xd too much that she had to go to the hospital, where infact she had a surgery for the ding dogn removal. This was a kind gesture for the one weeb tranny, she wanted a dick dock. She came back to say, "no or i will suck ur toes"

Rai was sad since she didnt watch porn the day before because her dream was gay, putting ketchup on water, how crazy wow xd. Since that dream, she felt weird, really weird, she wanted to watch porn but privacy was at risk. Complete no privacy.

"why tf were yall putting ketchup on water"

Rai only had privacy in the washroom, but her mom takes a shit every 5 minutes, so she needs to make a plan. Rai quesrioned the boy, "have u seen midget porn?".



"actually i think i mightve"

Rai had a good idea what it mightve been, she heard it was good. She had the idea of watching this midnight if her brother didn't go to sleep in her room.

she picked up her phone told bennywise "yachi and I arent a thing anymore since the thot died"

Rai always knew that kiyoko was in the gym storage room. But benny knew the other side of story.

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