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~Millies Pov~
I walk up to his house, and open his door. Me and him have each other's house keys. I walk in and take my shoes off, padding with my socks on the marble floor. I pad to the kitchen, taking food out of the fridge. I take out some soda and walk upstairs.

I see a black big fluff on the floor, lying next to the door. He sits up and immediately runs to me. "Hi baby!" I coo, setting down my soda on the floor. He jumped on two paws. I immediately understood that he wanted a walk. "Stay here" I said to Duggie. He obeyed and sat on the floor.

I opened the door a creak and saw a peaceful fin sleeping. Soft snores escaped his mouth, his curls which are over his eyes moving when he would breath. He was shirtless, giving me a good view. I walked in and grabbed a plain piece of paper of his table. I started writing.

Hey Finnlard,

Came by, saw Duggie, took some soda, gonna take him for a walk. Sleep tight!


I quickly ran downstairs, got a Hershey's and ran back, leaving it next to the note since he loves Hershey's.

We would always let each other into our houses, and this is not the first time I've walked his dog.

I smiled and took Duggies lead. I strapped it on once we were outside his room, and I took my soda, quickly slipping on my shoes and walking out with Duggie.

We went to a near by park, full of green trees and many flowers. I found a stick and sat down on a bench, throwing the stick. I sucked in a deep breath. Duggie ran back over, holding the stick and panting. I repeated this a few times until Duggie just hopped onto the bench and sat next to me.

I stroked his head and asked him a question. "Do I like Finn." I Said, looking at a cat walking by. Duggie Barked. "Sometimes, I don't know, I just feel like we shouldn't have broken up." I say, looking at a stray leave in his black hair.

I get up and immediately fall into the grass, sniffing in the freshness and rolling onto my stomach to play with some daisies.


My grandma liked daisies. She always said they had daisies at their wedding, because they were both quite poor but oh so Nice. He gave her a daisies, put it in her hair and kissed her hand delicately. Bring on the love, she would always say at the end of the story.

I didn't even realise that Duggie was lying next to me, so I jumped. I relaxed a bit and started to stand up, taking him home. I grabbed two daisies, I put one in my hair and one in Duggie hair, not even bothering if he will shake it of when he runs.

I smile at a couple nearby, putting a lock on the bridge symbolising that they are married. They kiss and he picks her off, running off into the distance.


I walk, thinking about everything and anything.

I make it back to Finns house, and see him on the couch. He smiles and I smiled back. Duggie immediately ran over to him and hopped on him. He came over to me.

"Thanks Millie." He said, a small smirk building up.

"It's chill Wolfhard." I sat back, putting my hands in my butt pockets. He took me into a friendly hug.

He put on a different t-shirt, that has his scent all over. I go a bit hazy, since this is my favourite smell.

We separate from the embrace and look into each other's eyes.

Duggie came from behind and nudged my legs, making me fall into finn further.

I look int his eyes. I see them full of confusion, thought, regret and love, whilst mine are love and confusion.

I lean in and kiss him. He kissed back, obviously shocked. His lips taste like Hershey's and cherry beer. I love the combination, making me happy and smiley inside. But as soon as it started to deepen, I pulled back and stared at him. I knew that I would regret this in my late night thoughts.

"I-" I start, but don't finish because I'm running out of his house, leaving my daisy on the floor together with my dignity.

Filler chapter since my sad ass doesn't go on wattpad as much as I used to.

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