Chapter 2

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"Wha-" I begin but that's all I get in before she cuts in. "Oh dear" she begins and I already know it's not gonna be good.

"Well Hun" there she goes again what's with her and hun. "They had to make some budget cuts this year sweety, so they couldn't rent out as much dorm rooms so instead of all the counselors getting there own rooms they had to have 2 counselors to a room. but they had an uneven number of counselors and students so there was gonna have to be one room with a student and a counselor together. And hey your that lucky student". She explain but I'm not quite sure lucky is the adjective I would use for this situation.

Well I guess the whole be coming best friends with my roommate and partying all night and drinking boos is out of the question now.

"Well nice to meet you, my names Hadley" I say giving her a friendly smile hoping we get off on a good foot. "Hun I'm Linsey, and it's nice to meet you and I will try to make this as painless as possible" she says reaching her hand out to greet me. I return the gesture and we shake hands.

"Well sheesh look at that it's almost twelve, best be getting a move on." She says walking out the door. I follow her unquestionably.

Then you walked away (a Dylan O'brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now