Chapter 5

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I step up to the sink. My reflection staring me dead back in the face. My dark hair is all messed up at the part and my face looks like, well my face. I don't have any make up on which just adds to my beauty.

I twist the handle and water pours out. I cup my hands and splash my face with water. The water drips back in to the sink. I grab a paper towel from the dispenser, and dry my face off. I comb through my hair with my fingers and turn towards the door not taking a second look in the mirror. I toss the paper towel out on my way.

When I open the door Dylan is sitting against the wall. He gives me a smirk. I glance up at the clock hanging from the ceiling above. "Oh my God Dylan, its 12:30 we've already missed half of the meeting!" I say remembering the huge bill my mom paid for me to learn, not to hang out with a boy who I don't even know.

"Oh trust me that stuff they say in there is BS, Lindsey gives the same old speech every year, not like you haven't heard it before." "Actually I haven't." I say starting to walk back to the auditorium. He grabs my shoulder and turns me back around. "what do you mean?" he says. "This is my first year at this camp, and unlike you I'm here because I wanna learn and my mom worked her butt off for it." "That's true I really don't wanna be here." he says in a sarcastic but yet sincere tone.

"But about Lindseys speech I practically have it memorized I can re-sight it for you if you'd like" he says. I know hes just joking around so I try to lighten up. "Okay lets hear it" I say flashing him a smile.

"EhhHmm" He says clearing his throat. Taping is hand as if there was a imaginary mike there. "At this point she would bang the mike so hard it would make that really high pitched screeching sound, making about half of the audience deaf." he said making a side note. "here it goes.... So listen up Huns." Dylan said with a very surprising accurate Lindsey Impersonation. He flails his hands around in order to encompass her character which is working very well.

"No staying up past curfew, no partying, no alcohol , no drugs, no sex, no illegal ship." "Wait wait hold on, ship?" I say. "Yes its her way for keeping shit pg, but questions for after your breaking my character." he says closing his eyes for a moment before beginning again. "Now I know that nothing I say will turn off that little perv switch in your dirty teen age heads, but."

He says opening his grasp to signal the dropping of the mike. "which at this point she'd get so worked up about it she would be forced to drop the mike in the middle of the stage once again resulting in a high pitched screeching, causing the other half of the auditorium to go deaf. As she rushes off to take her meds." He finishes and curtsies. I clap and say "Wow I missed a very well written speech." "Yes you did tragic isn't it?"

I see that the meeting has ended because people start to flood out of the auditorium. "Third session is about to begin shall we." He says moving to my side and waving his arm onward.

Then you walked away (a Dylan O'brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now