This night.

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Word count: 1061

Dean: what no! Why would I do that!? She's like a sister to me!
Why can't these two just get along? Just for once. I then open my mouth.
(Y/n): it wasn't Dean ok! He's actually the one who saved me! So please stop fighting!
I shove my food in the empty table where dean had set his for us to sit at. I run off and then hear them both yell.
Both: now look what you did!
Both: what me!
Both: stop it! Ugggh!!
I finally get to my locker. I look at the time on my phone then open my locker grab my things for next class and head that way just as the five minute bell rings. As I walk to class I sigh this has been one eventful day.

Little did I know I'd be a even more eventful night...........

(Y/n)'s prov: (now):
It's the end of the day and I'm in my last class with dean. He sits down right next to me, then leans down.
Dean: hey sweetheart you ok? You haven't spoke to me or camera boy.
(Y/n): I'm ok. Just tired and done with the day. So you and flash plan the movie night yet?
Dean: yeah.
I sigh knowing they won't let him come.
(Y/n): you guys don't want him do you?
Dean: well your brother didn't, but......
I looked at home with hope.
Dean: I convinced him. You may invite him.
I got a tad bit more happy. Just as the bell rings. I gather all my stuff as fast as I can then run out of the class room. I run down the hall and run right into principle Truemen who immediately gets mad at me.
PT(principal Truemen): why are you running in the halls? You know the rules no running in the halls. Do you want detention?
(Y/n): no sir I'm so sorry, I'll walk.
I start walking, but watch for him to go into his office and for me to round the corner. As soon as I do I break into another run. I wanna get to pete before she does. I run and run soon I get to his locker witch is right next to mine. As soon as I get there he turns to face me.
Peter: well hello there.
He laughs.
Peter: movie night?
I nod as I'm hunkered over trying to catch my breath as he just laughs. I then stand fully up and he side hugs me as I open my locker.
Peter: of course I'll come. You know I'd never forget movie night.
I laugh lightly then grab my backpack and lock up my locker. Just as I finish dean comes up. Him and peter give a look at each other, but choose to say nothing to one another.
Dean: hey do you and camera boy here want a ride?
Peter: I do have a name you know.
Dean: yeah I know, but I like camera boy more.
Peter huffs as I look at him.
(Y/n): do you want a ride or do you wanna ride your skateboard again?
Peter: either way I'm fine.
(Y/n): ok I say skateboarding. Sorry dean.
Dean: yeah sure that's fine. Can I talk to you for a sec tho?
(Y/n): yeah sure. Hey Pete I'll meet you out front all right.
Peter: ok.
He walks off.
Dean: I see what your doing lil sis.
(Y/n): what?
Dean: your skateboarding with him only because you wanna be close to him don't you?
(Y/n): wha........
Dean: don't you dare think about Lying to me.
(Y/n): ok fine yes. Ok happy?
Dean: vary.
He nods his head victoriously.
(Y/n): I only do it because he's with her.
Dean: and you can't stand her?
(Y/n): I can stand her I just wish that I'd be able to spend more time with him. That's all.
Dean: yeah yeah.
He pulls me into a hug and kisses the side of my head:

 He pulls me into a hug and kisses the side of my head:

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After that we both head outside to where his car is. I walk over to peter and he's talking to Gwen. Dean from afar gives me a look then mouths.
Dean: still wanna go with him?
I nod yes at him and he sighs and dose the motion like if he hurts you me and flash will kill him thing. I giggle then finally get to peter. Once there Gwen gives me a look. Peter then looks at me then brushes Gwen off.
Gwen: peter really I wanna have a date night!
She sorta wines about it. She crosses her arms and if you ask me she looks like a five year old that's pouting because they didn't get their way. Peter grabs my backpack off my shoulder and puts it on his like always.
Peter: ready to go?
(Y/n): yeah.
He gets on his skateboard and the I get on. He holds me from behind and starts to move it with his foot.
A few minutes later we ride up to the porch of my house and his. We jump off the skateboard and I go to grab my bag as he kicks the skateboard up and catch's it.
Peter: no, no I got it.
(Y/n): peter you don't have to carry my bag for me I'm not unable to carry something.
Peter: but I wanna carry it for you.
He dose a pouty face that I can't help, but to give in by just seeing it.
(Y/n): fine!!!
He smiles triumphantly then we walk inside. When I'm I see flash and Dean wrestling and I giggle letting them know we are here.
D&F: oh hey didn't see you there.
They look at each other then yell.
D&F: Stop it! Uggh! I swear!!! Let's fight.
I giggle then look at peter.
(Y/n): I guess movie night is off.
Peter: doesn't have to be.
P&Y: are you thinking what I'm thinking? Movie night upstairs? Yeah!
I giggle as we run upstairs to my room and put in his favorite movie: the first time. He lays on the couch that I have done in my room. then I lay with him and we just cuddle:

 then I lay with him and we just cuddle:

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I soon fall asleep in his arms.

To be continued.................

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