Life update?

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Hey guys.

I'm sorry it has been so long. I'm not going to lie these last few months I've had a really hard time and here's why I have been gone:

So last year I met a guy, I really like him. If anyone of you have read any of my other story's you may remember the book I had posted called "letters to A" or something like that. Well he was the guy I really liked.

My best friend at the time, had gotten me so many meet ups with said guy so I could try and see if he liked me.

We eventually started to sit together at lunch, witch led to cuddles and hand holding. He had met my family it was great.

Around November 2018 we had gotten together. We were the cute couple that made everyone want to puke. Although he nearly barely had time for me.

We text and even FaceTimed a lot.

Now around this time (I really regret this) I had introduced two of my friends to each other. They got together and it was all great......

Until I lost them both. My best friend who was getting me through my days and the boy I was slowly loving.

Now I'm a hard person to just love someone, it took my said best friend two years to even make my hug list.

Yes I have a hug list, only because something happened to me that I'm not going to talk about.

Anyway, one day my boyfriend who said he loved me dumped me. Though text no doubt, I mean yeah he wanted to do it in person and I pushed it out of him just it still hurt ya know.

I literally threw his jacket off and cuddled on the couch with my mum in her jacket and cried. I didn't eat much either for like days.

Then the next blow came. The "friend" I set my "best friend" up with told him I was saying this I never even said.

I mean I did say at the beginning that she was taking him from me, but come on! Just because you texting your girlfriend doesn't mean you have to ignore your friends.

So after that he just slowly stopped talking to me, same with my ex.

He said "oh definitely we can totally still be friends and talk."

Has he talked to me since NOPE! Then in class he has the nerve to still stare at me like he still wants me.

They both stopped talking to me, the two main people I cared about with all my heart.

I miss them yes, but now I'm getting better and I'm done with all the shit.

I'm done with them and in general most people.

This is a new chapter for me and my life. So if I just go away for a small time don't be mad because I still frequently get my panic attacks and my depression comes.

So if I just go M. I. A for a while it probably means I've just taken a break to focus on me and get out of my depression.

Love you always your amazing penguin loving author-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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