Beach boy

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"Just remember that no matter what someone tells you or how someone may view you. You are unique and special. And you have people who love you for that, I mean I love you guys for that. I love seeing all of the wacky beyond the norm posts that you guys tag. So never let anyone change you. I'll see you guys next week, peace." I kissed the camera and turned it off with a sigh before I started to edit the video. I was trying to get as much of it as I could done today so that I could just spend the weekend with my girlfriend. She was coming over tonight after work and we were going to head over to Venice to hopefully get a tan. I maybe got halfway through editing when the apartment door opened.

"Sammy?! Where are you?"

"In my room Kat!" I called back with a sigh as I stared at my half finished video. At least I knew it shouldn't take that long to finish it tomorrow. Katrina came skipping into my room with a light smile on her face and she kissed my cheek.

"Hey baby, are you ready for this weekend?"

"Of course I am. It gives me a chance to get out of the house, and spend time with my favorite person" I tilted my head back with a smile to look at her. She giggled and kissed me softly before running her fingers through my hair.

"Awwww your too sweet, you're all packed right?" I nodded and she smiled before looking up at the computer in front of me. "Is that your video for tomorrow?" I nodded again and her smile grew as she looked at some of the clips. "You do so much for your fans, make such an impact. Their lucky to have someone like you to look up to." I smiled at her words and sighed.

"Thanks Kat. I just try to give advice that I wish I had been given when I was younger. Things that would have made my life a little easier. Along with just making people laugh to help them forget about the world around them ya know?" She nodded and ruffled my hair with a smile.

"I'm proud to have a boyfriend like you. Someone that cares so much about others." She kissed the top of my head then helped me to my feet and laced her fingers with mine and led me downstairs after I made sure to save my video so I could do it tonight and tomorrow morning while Kat slept. We drove to Venice and Kat seemed anxious but excited at the same time as we sang along to the songs on the radio and talked about what we wanted to do. When we got to the house we had rented we unpacked and cuddled in front of the TV, but something seemed really off. Kat kept snuggling closer and placing soft kisses on my face from time to time and telling me to never forget how much she loved me. And to you that might seem completely normal, but Kat and I were never super physical. Her and I had expressed that relationships should be full of emotion, not just physical contact, so it was odd for her to be so touchy like this. I didn't bring it up however because we were on vacation and things were sometimes different compared to at home when you're on vacation. What I didn't know, however, was how very wrong I was.

The next day

It was 9 in the morning and Kat had gone out to do something a few hours ago, claiming she'd be back by the time my video was uploaded but I wasn't so sure. It was our first full day and she already ditched me to do something else. Granite it did give me time to finish editing and upload the video but it mad me a little sad that she had just left me here when we're supposed to be spending more time together. I sat there for another two hours editing and I uploaded the video when my phone went off. I picked it up and saw about a million posts I had been tagged in with comments and captions like
'Guys rag Sam he needs to see this!' Or 'what a bitch! How could she do this to him!' Or even 'god she's a whore, we should have all seen this coming.' I was confused and I opened the pictures and instantly  chucked my phone across the room and there was a cracking sound when it hit the wall but I didn't care. There, all over my dash was a picture of Katrina laughing and smiling and making out with some beach boy. So that's what she went and did, she ditched me for some damn player in Venice. I jumped off of the bed, my blood boiling with anger as I packed my bit very unpacked back and pulled out a piece of paper. Once I was done I stood over the counter with red pen and wrote.

'Maybe your new play thing will be able to buy you a Uber ride home because I sure as hell am done with your crap. Have a nice life Kat'

I left it on the table and grabbed my keys and my bag and walked out I set the stuff in the car then put the roses I had wanted to surprise her with on the front steps and burned them. Then I drove away.

Time skip to at home

Three breaks and an hour drive later I was back at my apartment, luckily I was the only one that lived there. I walked to my room and grabbed everything that she ever gave me, every picture of the two of us and put it in one pile on my porch. I started a video and then lit a match and threw it on top of the pile as it engulfed everything in an instant. I would post it in a few days but right now I just needed to cry and curl up in a ball. So that's exactly what I did. I lay on my couch and sobbed, hard. Five minutes into my emotional breakdown my phone started pinging. It was Kat.

'Baby what the hell?! Why are their burned flowers on the doorstep?'

'Sammy are you here?'

'Sam....what was that note for? Why aren't you here and where's your stuff?' I sighed and responded.

'Maybe this will jog your mind {image attached}' there was a long time of silence where I was able to cry again and just slowly become numb. Then there was a ping.

'It's not what it looks like. He pushed himself onto me!'

'You mean the five times the two of you kissed in between laughing and talking and holding hands? Katrina my fans are everywhere and they look out for me. Your shit is all over Instagram so you can't lie to me!'

'Their lying to you Sammy! I would never do this to you!'

'He posted photos of the two of you in bed this morning. So don't BS me. I'm done with your shit Kat.' Then I decided I couldn't wait a few days. I opened Instagram and posted the video with this caption.

'Thank you so much to all of my fans that were able to expose my girlfriend and show her true colors to me today. It saved me a lot of trouble and a lot of time. Though I hurt and am a little bit numb to emotion, it still means a lot to me to know that my fandom truly cares for me.' Fans instantly we're replying and dming with support and sympathy while Kat was calling them all liars just to be attacked by my fandom. I sank into the couch as I let the wave of numbness wash over my body, blocking out all emotion and listening to the ping that I knew meant support. After about thirty minutes I went completely numb and the pinging stopped. I sighed and picked up my phone to clear the notifications when my phone pings once more.

Colby Brock has sent a message

C: Hey dude...need someone to talk to?

Looking at the stars  (Solby Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora