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Happy Mother's Day you guys! Whether your a mother, a mother to be, a stepmother, or a mother in law, know that you mean something to someone. And if you aren't a mother make sure to show yours how much they mean to you, whoever that may be. This day is to show your appreciation for those who have done good in your life. Okay now onto the next chapter!!

Sams POV

I slowly stood up and walked over to the metal and bent down to lift it. It took me a good five minutes to lift it a few feet off the ground and I was clearly struggling.

"I don't think the wind would knock this over." I said nervously as I let it drop to the ground with a clang. Colby gulped and grabbed the camera, pointing it at me and the metal rod.

"So that just fell by itself and it's too heavy to be pushed down by wind. That's not creepy or anything." He laughed nervously and walked over to me. I looked at him with nervous eyes and then looked around.

"Come on, let's go see what else we can find" I said, trying not to think about what happened. We started to walk around, looking at all the old machines and empty or broken creates, occasionally hearing noises or small scratches and tinks. It was hard to tell if it was just our imagination, or if it was something outside or something else. But it was easy to forget about the noises when we got to the "death room". I opened the door and looked inside before looking at Colby.

"You ready to do the stupidest thing we could possibly do today?" I asked as I held out a flashlight to him.

"Yea...ready as I'll ever be" he said with a sigh as he took the light and turned it on. I heard him gasp when the light hit the originally black wall, now revealing the bright red stains that covered the wall. "I-is that-?"

"No one knows, that's how the room got its name." I said, pulling out my flashlight and looking at him with a smirk. "Let's go". We walked inside and started to look around at the red covered walls and the splatters of red on the floor. I glanced back at Colby who was looking around in fascination.

"This is insane" he mumbled looking around.

"Yea, but this room has a really bad rep. All because of what people think happened here"

"What do you mean?" He asked me nervously and I laughed softly.

"Everyone thinks Emma killed the man in here."


"Oh did I not tell you the train story?" He shook his head and I smirked.

"Emma was the CEO's daughter, she was the sweetest girl in high school and she had the best grades but was also the most popular. Which was why everyone was so confused and scared when she disappeared. But two weeks later, everyone found out where she went. She jumped off of the roof of this building, trying to kill herself. She failed but landed right on the tracks, where a few minutes later she killed by an on coming train. Everyone thinks that Emma's ghost came back and killed all of them, and chasing the others out of the building." He looked at me wide eyed and shocked.

"You never told me Emma killed herself." He said shocked and I smiled.

"Yea, But that was just an old legend. I doubt it had any truth to that." I said as I looked at him with soft eyes.

"I-I hope your right"he said nervously and we kept walking. We got halfway into the room then the door slammed shut. I whirled around and Colby squeaked

"What the fuck was that?" He hissed as we looked around the mostly dark room.

"Is there someone else here"

"I don't-" Colby started to say but he was cut off.

"Well duh, how fucking dumb are you?" My blood went cold. I knew that voice, I had grown up with that voice.


"Hiya Sam." She said coming out int the light, her body shimmering as she looks at me with a smile. Colby and I took a few steps back and she tilted her head to the side, but I k ew this wasn't good. I could see the dried blood along her ghostly arms and on her white dress. You could also see the train wheel gashes that ran across her chest.

"Why are you backing away from me sam?" She  moved at super speed and was standing right in front of me before I could react. She reached out and gently placed her hand on my cheek, "I'm not gonna hurt you, not like I hurt those other men."

"You wanna explain the blade behind your back then, Emma" Colby spoke darkly as he had the camera on her. She turned to face him and her smile fell.

"Why are you here?"she hissed.

"He's with me Emma. We're exploring together." Emma ignored me and walked toward Colby slowly.

"Why do you care? All you wanted to do was bully me. Why didn't you tell me what you were going through?" He asked and adjusted the camera so he could roll up his sleeve, revealing scars I had never seen before. "I could have helped you. Just because you hated me it didn't mean I hated you."

"Your the reason I'm dead!" She yelled at him, clutching her blade tightly.  "Your the one that spread that fucking rumor about me!"

"Rumor? What rumor?"

"The one about me and Maddie" she hissed darkly. Colby looked confused before it seemed to click in his mind.

"Jessica's story. She had told that she- did you think I-?" But he wasn't able to finish his sentence because Emma slammed him hard against the wall, causing him to drop the camera.

"Don't you dare lie to me!"

"Emma, don't!" I shouted as I put my hand on her dead shoulder, and she looked at me with dark eyes.

"He took everything from me! You shouldn't be near him or he will ruin you too" she hissed before walking closer to Colby, pushing him father into the wall. He gasped and squirmed, kinda struggling.

"Emma, your dead. What happened, happened. You can't blame him for you not going for help. Everyone has excepted that your dead and you can't become alive again by killing or hurting Colby. So move on." She stopped and turned to me as she was slowly running her nails through the air, causing Colby's screams to fill the air.

"You-you want me to move on?" She whispered as she stopped, her claws still digging into Colby's skin. He was screaming and whimpering as he looked at her with pained eyes. I nodded and walked toward her, gently placing my hand on her cheek.

"Maddie and I want you to move on" She now had tears in her eyes and let Colby drop to the ground as she turned to face me and nodded. She then glowed blue as she closed her eyes and slowly disappeared, and when she did I sighed and ran to Colby.

"Hey hey hey, are you okay?" He groaned softly and looked at me with soft eyes and nodded his head.

"The cuts aren't deep, but they sting like a bitch." I laughed softly and gently ran my fingers through his hair with a smile. I was just glad that he was safe and Emma was in a better place.

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