Mythical Zoan section

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Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Hecatoncheires
Meaning:("Hundred-Handed Ones")
type: mythical zoan

DF Features: This Devil Fruit enables user to transform into a Hecatoncheires. A Greek myth Giant with one hundred arms, each of great strength. Standing at titanic proportions, seemingly the same size as a House.
Strength: size and height of Sanjuan Wolf, create magnitudes with a stomp, shockwaves that can destroy islands with a clap, and the ability to summon storms.
Weaknesses: For this strength and size, the consumer gives up speed. Besides this the consumer is susceptible to the common devil fruit weaknesses.

Mythical zoan: hydra-hydra no mi

Details: this devil fruit gives eater the rare power of legendary creature Hydra! A creature that is immune to methods of beheading. for every head that is removed, two more grow back.

Forms: 3; human, hybrid, full hydra!

Powers: along with the forms of hydra there are additional powers... Hydra spits acid, and it's body is formed by solid mist.

Weakness: brute force, magic, destroyed to nothingness, fire, sea water.


Mythical zoan: vamp-vamp no mi

Details: this fruit gives user the rare power to turn into a vampire-human. meaning user gains speed, strength, pain tolerance, flight. And appearance of a bat.

DF features: user is able to turn into 2 forms. 1) hybrid 2) full form

Weakness: sea water, magic, over powering opponents, extreme heat.


Mythical zoan: furies-furies no mi

Details: the person that eats this fruit gains power to transform into the mythical creature known as "furies".

DF features: to turn into a demon like woman with small horns, sharp fangs, tan skin, bird feet and wings on there backs (bat wings).

Weakness: sea water

Note: this fruit is commonly eatten by mostly females!
Hito Hito no Mi Model: Mummy (Human Human Fruit Model: Mummy)

Type: Mythical Zoan

Appearance: It looks like an upside down yellow pyramid, with a swirly stem on the top.

Powers: The same as any zoan type, this fruit allows the user to turn into a full fledge mummy or mummy/human hybrid, therefore becoming a Mummy Human. The main abilities granted by this fruit are a massive increase in strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and the abilities associated with a mummy, such as producing bandage like appendages, which can wrap up any object or enemy, it allows the user to feel little to no pain at all, and the user can reattach any served limbs.

Weakness: The major weakness of this fruit is fire or any attack that burns, as it burns the bandages that user has wrapped around them in their mummy or hybrid mummy. Apart from that the user suffers the standard Devil fruit weaknesses.
DF: RyūHidora-RyūHidora no mi
Meaning: (DragonHydra no mi)
Type: Mythical zoan
Ability: This Devil Fruit enables user to transform into a HydraDragon.
A Dragon with black scales, and is lizard-like in appearance. It also has yellow eyes, longer white horns are more curved and similarly colored spikes that protrude from its long 20feet nine tails. The dragon's roar is a yowling, screeching scream, and its Green flame can reach to about fifty feet. While having a very far reaching flames the HydraDragon's breath can reach extremely high temperatures as it makes a stone turn red hot in seconds. It's front legs are part of its six leathery wings like bats. Users who can turn into this creature is naturally more dangerous and powerful in physical combat, and may have useful features, such as Natural Weaponry of Claw Retraction, Enhanced Bite, Prehensile Tail, Prehensile Tongue.
Also natural Camouflage in human form and dragon form. Also user is able to take a hybrid human-beast form. Other features like Flight, Regrow Heads, Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Vision and Semi-Immortality. (Other Meaning "Decelerated Aging")
One unique power of this Super Rare fruit is that in full Beast form the user gains power of Shadow Mimicry; Power to transform into or have a physical body made up of shadows.

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