Missing In Action 15

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Missing In Action 15

*Couple Months Later* 

This is the day. The day I dreaded all year. It's been exactly a year since Zayn and the boys died. Today is the day.

The house had a eerie feeling. Depressed feeling. I didn't come out of my room all day. I assumed the girls didn't also.

I sat on the bed with my back against the headboard and my legs crossed. 

I watched Faith as she was playing with her bear. I held onto Zayns dog tag around my neck. I didn't want to feel depressed, but depression hit me like a ton of bricks. I began to think of all the times we had together. I especially remember when we first met. But all of the Memories are the past now. And that is what made me more depressed.

*Few Weeks Later*

Me, Ness and Sky were walking back to the house from another successful robbery. It looked like it had just finished raining. The streets were wet and damp. 

"When the war ends...do you think London will ever be the same?" Sky asked.

"I dont think so. this war has been hard for everyone." Ness said.

"I don't think anyone would ever be the same." I said. 

We heard a shrill scream.

"Did anyone hear that?" I asked.

The girls stopped. Another scream was heard, along with the sound of metal trash cans falling. 

"I heard that." Ness said.

I walked a couple steps forward and peeking my head into the alley between the buildings.

I saw a girl that looked 13. She was getting pushed to the wall by two boys. They looked 17. They were trying to take her stuff. 

"Stop please!" She yelled. 

I turned back around the corner. 

"What is it?" Sky asked. 

I moved over so they both can see. They both peeked around the corner.

"We need to help her." Ness said. 

"We can't draw to much attention to ourselves though." I said. 

"She's getting mugged." Sky said. 

I thought about it. 

"Okay...real quick." I said. 

We put our bandanas over our faces. Ness to her gun out. 

"What are you gonna do kill them?!" I whisper/yelled. 

"No. Just give them a little scare." She whispered. I rolled my eyes playfully. I pulled out mine as well.

"Come on." Sky said. 

We walked around the corner.

"Hey!" Ness yelled. 

The boys stopped. 

"Who the fuck are you?" One boy asked. 

"Don't worry about it." Sky said 

"I suggest you leave her alone." I said. 

"I think not." Another said. 

"Are we gonna have to make you?" I asked. 

"Oh yeah?" One walked up to me, getting in my face. He was clearly taller than me. 

"What are you going to do about it?" He asked. 

"More than you think." I said strongly. 

"Prove it." He said. 

I put the gun to his abdomen. 

"You really want me to prove it?" I asked. He began to step back. The both boys had fear in their eyes. 

"I really think you should give her the stuff back." Ness said also having her gun out. 

Sky walked over to them taking the girls bag and her jewelry from them. Sky gave the stuff back to the 13 year old girl. She stood there shocked. 

"Your are going to regret what your doing." One said. Sky stood behind the boys. 

"I really don't believe that." Ness said. 

From behind the boys, I saw Sky take something out of her back pack. It was a bottle and a napkin. 

I gave her a confused look. The boys saw me and were about to turn around.

"You turn around, you will get shot." I said. 

"On your knees now." Ness said. 

They stood there. 

"Are you deaf!? Do it now!" I said. 

They got on their knees. 

"Hands behind your back." Sky said. 

They did. 

"W-what are you gonna do?" One asked scared. 

"Don't worry about it." Ness said. 

Sky poured the bottle on the napkin. I immediately knew what it was. Chloroform. 

She put it to ones face. He began to struggle. Sky held it tight against his mouth and nose. 

After 20 seconds, his eyes began to close. Sky let go of him, making him calm face first into the ground. 

"What did you do to him?!" The other one asked quickly getting up. 

"Sit down!" Ness demanded. 

He wasn't listening. He was panicking. 

"Don't make me shoot you!" I yelled. 

That got his attention. 

"Get on your knees now." Sky said strongly. 

He slowly got on his knees, scared. 

Sky quickly grabbed his head and put the napkin over his mouth and nose. 

He hit the floor like the other boy. 

"W-what d-did you g-give him?" The girl asked. 

"Don't worry they're asleep." Ness said putting her gun in her back pack. I did the sleep. 

We began to hear sirens. 

"Oh shit cops!" Ness whisper/yelled.

"Come on." She said running out the Alley. Sky followed. I quickly opened my backpack and handed the girl some money. 

"For your silence. Say nothing to anyone." I said. I quickly ran out of the alley. 

I ran back to the house. I was breathing heavily. Ness and Sky sat on the couch also breathing hard.

"What happened?" Danielle asked getting us water.

"We...had...to...run.....from the cops." Ness breathed. 

"What why?!" She asked.

"We...needed...to...help...a...girl." I breathed. 

"Did the cops follow you?" She asked peeking out the living room curtains. 

"I...don't...think...so." Sky breathed.

After we calmed down a bit. I walked upstairs putting the money and my gun in the safe in the closet. I walked over to Faiths crib. She was already awake. I picked her up holding her on my hip. She held onto her bear. I began to wonder about that girl. Why was she alone on the streets at night? Does her mother even care? It can be really dangerous.

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