Missing In Action 25

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Missing In Action 25 

*Two Months Later* 

Eleanor has still been in a coma. We've been staying at the hospital, hoping she would wake up. 

We all were in her hospital room. The doctor came in. 

"Ladies, a word please." He said. 

Our attention was turned to him. 

"Shes been a two months in a coma. And there's still no sign of this getting better. So the only solution is to take her off of life support." The doctor said. 

We stood there shocked. 

"What?! No! She's could die!" Danielle said. 

"There's no improvement showing. I'm sorry." He said. 

"Please just give her a week. Three days at least." I pleaded. 

He thought about it. 

"3 days. We'll give her 3 days." He said. 

We sighed in relief. 

"Thank you." Sky said. 

The doctor nodded and walked out the room. 

We all looked at Eleanor. Danielle walked to her side. 

"Come on El, 3 days is all you got." She said. 

*Three Days Later* 

No sign of improvement. At all. 

"It's time..." The doctor said. 

I felt as if a dark cloud came over all of us. We nodded. Tears falling down our faces. 

"Please sign this saying you agree to taking her off of life support." The nurse said handing Danielle a clip board with a paper to sign our names. Danielle closed her eyes.

"Im sorry El." She whispered. 

She quickly signed the paper and passed it to the rest of us. When it finally got to me, I froze. I'm signing my best friends life away. Tears raced down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and signed it. 

The nurse took the paper. 

"Are you ready?" He asked. 

We nodded. Faith held onto my leg, close to me. She Held her bear tight. She had no idea what was going on.

The doctor turned and unplugged the life support. Her heart monitor began to slowly beat. 

Beep. Beep. Beep....beep...beep...........beep.............beep.................beep............................beep........................ That's was the last heart beat we heard. I began to sob now. So did the girls. The doctor took the tubes out of her arms and pulled the hospital bed sheet over here face. We lost another member of our family. While the girls were crying in the corner. I slowly walked up to the bed Eleanor's body rested in. 

"T-Tell the boys we said hi, El." I said crying. 

"Mummy..." I heard Faith say. 

I looked down at her.

"Mummy...what's Eleanor doing?" Faith asked.

I knelt down to her level. 

"She's sleeping baby." I said crying. 

Faith reached for Eleanor's hand. 

"Night-night Aunt El." She said. 

My heart dropped. That made me cry more. 

We walked out of the hospital room. We stood in the hallway. Us girls cried on each others shoulder. 

"The Funeral will be held on Friday." The nurse told us. We nodded. 

"I wanna go home." Sky cried. 

"Come on. Lets go." Ness sniffling. 

We were about to walk down the hallway.

"Mummy! Mummy!" I heard. 

I turned and immediately learned that Faith wasn't by my side. 

"Faith?!" I said started to panic. 

I saw Faith walking out the room. 

"Mummy look Aunt El's awake!" She said happily. 

Faith held Eleanor's hand and walked out the room with her. 

We screamed bloody murder.

The doctor and nurses quickly came running in. They stopped in their tracks. 

Two of the nurses fell to the floor, past out. I didn't blame them. I felt like fainting myself. 

"W-what? H-how?" Danielle asked shocked. 

The doctor quickly walked to Eleanor. They did some test, checking up on her. They said everything looked fine. They couldn't explain what just happened.

Within a hour, we were walking back home. Eleanor want talking. She still seemed to be in deep depression. The doctor told us to keep giving her the depression pills. 

When we walked in the house. Eleanor went straight to her room again. I felt faith lightly tug on my pants. 

I knelt down to her level.

"Mummy what's wrong with aunt Eleanor?" She asked whispering. 

I sighed looking up the stairs. 

"She's very sick angel." I said. 

"I thought she-she was better." She said. 

"No angel. Not quite." I said. 

I walked up to Eleanor's room. I opened the door and saw Eleanor sat at the edge of her bed, staring out the window. 

I felt my pant leg getting tugged lightly again. I looked down. 

"Can I give this to Aunt El, mummy?" She asked holding a piece of folded paper.

"Go on angel." I said opening the door fully so she could walk in. Faith ran in and climbed on the bed next to Eleanor. She sat next to her having her legs swing back and forth off the edge of the bed. 

"Look what I made for you aunt El." She said opening the folded paper. 

"I drew a picture of our family...see that's Me by mummy and-and you and Aunt Ness and Aunt sky and aunt Dani." She said showing El the picture. 

El just continued to stare out the window. 

I quickly walked in. 

"Faith...you want to tape in on the wall?" I asked. She nodded. I helped her off the bed. I got tape And put some on the back of the picture. 

"Want to put it up?" I asked. 

She nodded. 

She stepped on her tip-toes putting the picture as High as she could. 

"It's beautiful, angel." I smiled kissing her cheek. 

"Faith." We heard. 

We turned and saw Ness at the doorway. 

"Do you want some cookies?" She asked.

"Can I mummy? Can I?!" Faith asked excited. 

I chuckled

"Yes, you may." I smiled. Faith quickly ran to Ness. Ness picked her up. 

"Do you want some milk with it too?" Ness asked walking out of the doorway, down the stairs. 

I turned and looked at Eleanor, who held onto her dog tag. 

"Come on Eleanor...wake up." I muttered wishing she could be herself again. 

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