Dylan Is Really Gone

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*Johnnie's pov*

Hers glasses falls off hers face. I try to hand her them but she doesn't even move hers arms. She is holding herself up on the bed

Angelina is yelling at Dylan and Dylan just keeps saying sorry. Bryan went to get Mira a ice pack for hers face

I can't believe Dylan my Dylan would do this to Mira. Mira is a nice person

The tears are rolling off hers coloured cheeks, I mean as in coloured cheeks there all bruised hers eyes are bruised hers arms everything near hers face is bruised. Why would she do that to herself? I hate seeing her like this

As Angelina yells at her she falls to the floor

"stop you might be pretending that to" Mira says

I fell hers pulse on hers neck. There is only a very light pump but you an barley feel it now I can't feel anything

"I don't think she is pretending! She has no freaking pulse!" I yell

I am panicking! I do not want to loose her. Shes my life. I love her I would be depressed without her

"pick her up we're bringing her to the hospital!" Bryan yells
"meet me down stairs!" he leaves

"I'm sorry for her acting like this. I'll see you later" Angelina gives Mira a hug and Mira leaves

I pick Dylan up bridal style or whatever it is called
Me and Angelina rush down stairs

As I'm walking quickly Dylan's arms and legs or bouncing lightly and hers hair is also moving, he's probably lifeless body- wait shut the fuck up Johnnie it's not lifeless she's here she has to be!

Before I know it were rushing into the hospital

"please my friend is not breathing!" Bryan yells once we step inside
As loud as he yells is probably herd till floor 5 of this hospital

A few nurses run to me

"is this her!" one ask

No duh "yes" I say

One brings a journey thing and sets her on top of it

"can we come with" Angelina ask hers tone has sound of disappointed but she still does sound concern

"I'm sorry" one says as she is pushing her off

Me, Bryan and Angelina walk to the waiting area. Now alls we have t do is wait to see if she isn't dead

"let's hope if she is okay" Bryan says

*Angelina's POV*

Oh my gosh what is wrong with Dylan. Johnnie said she has no pulse is she dead? Why does Dylan not like Mira she is nice. Why the fuck in the world would Dylan even hurt her and herself

I'm sitting in the middle of Bryan and Johnnie. I look over to Bryan and he's playing anxiously on his phone and I look over to Johnnie his head is in his hands and his breathing is light I could tell he was sleeping

*Johnnie's POV*

The nurse walks up to us. She his holding hers own hands and she looks sad

We all stand up and face her

"is dylan okay?" I ask

"she was out of air for to long we had hers heart going but it slowed down after a minuet and were sorry for your lost dylan is dead" the nurse said

The words hit me like a thousand bricks at once 'Dylan is dead' those words I dreaded to hear. Dylan I loved her she can't be dead that's impossible

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