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We all went under the bridge and went up the hill in the other side, going around the broken down delivery truck.

I read the sign in the distance. "Whispering Oaks Motel. I know where we are."

It was fenced off, but a billboard for my favourite bad stood inbetween us and the roof of part of the motel.

We went into it, but the drop onto the roof was too far.

I turned around about to leave, but I spotted a ladder that went all the way down to the concrete.

"Hey. There's a ladder."

Everyone else stepped on and crowded around it.

"I'll go first." I sighed.

"You sure?" Y/N asked, worry in her voice.


I stepped onto it and slowly started to climb down.

"Hand me Calypso, I'll bring him down." I said, attaching my shotgun to my back.

Y/N handed me the carrier and I saw fear in her eyes, and in Calypso's.

"I won't drop him."

I took two steps down, then quickly let go and grabbed the bar next to my thigh, hearing Y/N gasp.

I looked up at her.

"I love you."

I looked back down and continued.

About three more minutes later, I finally planted my feet on the ground, looking over at Calypso.

"It's okay Calypso. I've got ya."

I looked up, right as F/N started coming down.

"Be careful." Y/N said.

F/N got down way faster then me, because, ya'know. She didn't have to do it one handed and holding a kitten.

Nick went down next, a little bit slower. He made it down and clutched his shoulder, looking up at Y/N.

"We're here for ya Y/N. Take a deep breath and come down."

She stood still for a bit then slowly started to come down.

"I fucking hate heights."

I gave Calypso to F/N, and went to the bottom of the ladder.

"I'm here Y/N. Don't be scared. You can do this."

She finally made it to the bottom, and received a quick kiss from me, before continuing on.

F/N handed Y/N Calypso's carrier, and got her pistol back out.

I slowly opened a door to a pitch black room and stayed still.

"I can't see-"

I was tackled to the ground and dropped my gun.

I struggled to get it off, then grabbed it's neck and pushed it away from me.

"Sh-shhhoot it." I groaned.

F/N came over and kicked it off, then went over and quickly took out her switchblade and opened it, stabbing it in the side of the head.

Nick held out his hand and I grabbed it, getting pulled to my feet.

"You okay Ellis?" Nick asked.

"Ye-yeah. Just scared me."

I looked over at F/N and thanked her, then walked into the dark room, not caring about what else might be in here.

I opened the door on the other side and everyone followed me outside. I turned around to fm face them, then looked at Calypso, who was sitting and looking up at me, with his big blue eyes.

I knelt down and put my finger against the gauze, and he put his paw against it. He then backed up and hissed, I turned around right as I saw five men emerge from behind a van.

They all aimed our guns at us and we backed up. "Don't shoot them. We aren't like that." I whispered. "Just do what they say if it won't have a consequence."

Everybody including me dropped out guns on the floor and put our hands up, and Y/N still had Calypso in her hand.

"Sir, we don't mean any harm, I promise. We just want to get out of this place."

A man who was bigger then the rest, and had tattoos covering his neck and both arms, stepped towards us.

"I'm afraid we can't let you do that."

I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh, now you're scared huh? Not talking no more?" He laughed and walked closer to us.

"Bring 'em over here."


Hey guys, thank you so much for reading chapter five! I'll try to publish one chapter everyday, but if I forget, I apologize in advance.

Enjoy the rest of your day/evening/night.


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