Not all sunshine and rainbows

183 5 7

My eyes slowly fluttered open as Nicholas shifted on my chest, and I sat up, staring at Ellis who had his back facing me, and just stared out if the window.

I pulled some of my shirt down until it revealed one of my breasts, and started breast feeding Nicholas.

"Morning." I yawned, looking over at Ellis as he turned around.

He stood up, kneeling down next to me.
He placed his soft hand on the side of my face, his thumb in front of my ear, and tilted his head to the side.
Our lips met with a smile, then pulled away.
"And mornin' to you too you lil' goofball."

He bent down, kissing the top of his head, then standing back up.
"How're you feelin' today?"

"Fine. We can head out today."

He sighed.
"I'm not sure about that. I checked your forehead and you have a slight fever. I'm just...I'm just really stressed lately."

"Hey," I locked my fingers with his.
"Just take a breath. If you have to leave at some points of the day in order to calm down, you can."

"I know, it's just...I don't want to leave you, or more importantly our week old son."

"I know Sweetheart. I love our son more than life itself, but I also love you just as much."

He smirked, rubbing his face.
"I love you."

I smiled.
"I love you too."

I went to sit up in order to change Nicholas, but Ellis undid the straps around him, picking him up.

"I'll do it. It's alright, just rest."

"But we have to get going."

"We're not movin' when you're in that state. Usually you'd stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks, not three days."

As much as I wanted to get going, for Nicholas' sake, I gave in.
"Alright, fine."

He looked down and sighed.
"I'm sorry if I sounded a little snappy."

"It's okay. It's just a stressful time."
He nodded, placing Nicholas on a blanket and beginning to change him. He was actually really good at it.
"Have you done this before?"

"Once for my cousin when she was just as old as Nicholas."

I smiled, then looked over at Nick and he rolled over, his eyes already open.
"Morning." He yawned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Mornin' Nick."

"Good morning Nick."

He stood up, stretching and yawning.
"When are we heading out?"

"About that..." I trailed off.

"She's in no condition to travel, Nick. She ain't even supposed to be standin' or walkin'."

Nick nodded.
"You're right, but we're also running low on supplies."

Ellis finished putting Nicholas' clothes on, and stood up with him in his arms.
"When F/N wakes up, you and I will go on a supply run, that alright?"

They turned towards me.
"Sure. Bring Nicholas with you, I'm sure he needs to learn more of his surroundings. Just don't forget to bundle him up."

Ellis nodded.

They all started slipping their coats on and
F/N sat up from all of the commotion.
"Where're you guys going? I thought we were supposed to be leaving."

"Nick and I are just going on a supply run. We don't know when we'll leave. We're still figuring it out."

She just sat there as the door closed.
"What the FUCK?!"

I jumped as she snapped.
"Hey, clam down-"

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm down. We've been sitting and not doing SHIT for WEEKS!"

"I can't move in the state I'm in!"

She paused as I snapped back.
"So what?! GET THE FUCK UP AND GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE! You gave birth, now lets FUCKING GO!"

"Do you even understand what could happen if I was outside in this state? I could fucking die!"

She scoffed.
"As long as we'd be moving."

I clenched my jaw, not wanting to fight.
"Y'know, if you and Ellis didn't decide to fuck...we already would've been out of here by now. That kid must be worth it."

"Don't you DARE bring my newborn son into this."

"Well, he's already in it."

"You have to cut this stupid FUCKING SHIT OUT!"

She went silent after that and I laid back down, my face hot from screaming.

We just sat there for about half an hour before the door opened, Nick and Ellis walking in, Nicholas in Ellis' jacket.

"What happened?"

"We had a 'little' disagreement about when we should leave." I answered.

"We all know you shouldn't be doing much,
Y/N." Ellis sighed, gently adjusting Nicholas while they removed their hats, coats and boots.

"Oh, I know that." I chuckled.
"I just don't want to be 'dragging everyone down'."

I saw a look of disappointment deep in Ellis' eyes, but I knew he was better at controlling that stuff better than I do.

Ellis put his face in his right hand.
"We leave tomorrow afternoon. That's as early as I can push it."
He sighed, walking over to me and placing Nicholas on my chest, sitting down next to the couch.
"That's it. No exceptions for earlier."


A couple hours later, the boys wanted to just get a little more alone time.

F/N and I made up, but jumped to the sound of crying coming from outside.

The cry of a baby


(Josh) Dun Dun DUUNN!! Cliffhanger boio! (My eyes are so fucking heavy. Imma tired mofuka)

I'm really sorry for the very late upload. I have been going through a lot, and had to take some time off for mental health reasons.
I hope you guys understand.
I also want to thank the following for the AMAZING ideas that cleared my writers block:




Thank y'all so much!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your


(What I look like

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(What I look like. And yes, I'm in stripped pyjamas)

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