What did i do last night?

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[Cami's POV]

It's finally the morning of comic con day 1, we have our Riverdale panel up first and plenty of more interviews following afterwards. Roberto told me and the cast that we needed to memorise a brief explanation in what's in store for our characters cause he doesn't want us blurting out any spoilers. This was going all through my head as I opened my eyes. I let out a deep breath and widened them.

I felt this warmth underneath the covers of the bed, but my arms were out of the covers and they felt cold. It found it really weird. Because it was like unusually hot. Then I felt a warm touch against my knee cap... then out of the blue my blanket is pulled off my body and to the other side of the bed. I immediately get up realising that I'm not in my hotel bed and that someone is beside me.

I panic silently at the thought that I don't know whose under the sheets that was just yanked from me. I can't remember anything from last night. I remember that at lunch time yesterday Lili, Cole and KJ and I all took a flight to San Diego. We were all really tired because we just got done finishing a scene with Mark and Marisol. I think it's one of my favourite scenes it's when Veronica's dad meets the core four. But we all so exhausted cause we were at the studio filming that scene for 6 hours and went straight from the studio to the airport. I feel asleep the whole way there, I think we all did. But when arrived in San Diego. We were told to go straight to our hotels and not do anything because there were tones of paparazzi and fans outside.

I know I stayed inside, I'm pretty sure I didn't go out. But I do remember that Cole came over to Lili and I's room because they wanted to write lines episode 4 which were going to start filming straight after comic con. So i stayed in my room and took one of the complementary drinks in the cabinet in the hotel.....

Hold up.

I think I drunk more than I expected.

That's when I heard a wrinkly noise of the sheets as if someone rolled over, I knew if I looked over I would either be screwed or embarrassed or ashamed to see who was the person I must of SLEPT with... I turn my head so slowly as I peak to to see who it is.

But I was surprised as he rolls the words out.

"Morning Cami" in his New Zealand accent.

My eyes widen as I look at his naked figure.


Hi, I hope you liked it. I'm new to this so if there is any recommendations or constructive criticism you could give I would really appreciate it. This is a kjmila story. I know this chapter is short. I just want to get a feel on I'm writing. I'll keep writing more if you want it. I'll try update if you like it. But yea I hope u enjoyed!!!! ~ Sofia xoxo

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