We did that??!!

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[Cami's POV]

His eyes shot wide open. I think he has just realised the same thing as me. We are both in the same hotel room, in the same bed and both half naked. He looks around the entire room until he locks eyes with me. He tilts his head, points his finger at the bed and has his mouth dropped open slightly.

"Have you just got here?" he asks seeming very confused

"What? No! I literally have just woken up" I roll my eyes as I reply. Like no KJ I just came into this hotel room while you were sleeping in bed. I'm not a creep.

"But that means..."i cut him off before he finishes"

"That we slept together?"

"Yeah" then he pauses which creates a awkward silence. But thank god he continued.

"I don't remember much from last night do you? I only remember Cole he left the room to run lines with Lili and i stayed here watching the rugby. And I ordered pizza except it never came..." His eyes then are turned to the table with two empty pizza boxes laying on top of each other.

I immediately look around for my phone while at the same time covering myself with the sheets so KJ doesn't see anymore of my exposed body. My phone isn't on the bedside table so I lean over the bed and look around on the floor. Then I hear a slight cough come from the guy laying next to me. I look up and he is obviously showing my phone in his hand. I lean over to his side of the bed and snatch my phone off him. I tap the screen and surprisingly enough there were thousands of messages. But the one from Lilz is what really surprised me.

Lilz: Hey soooo when were gonna tell me that you and Kage are a thing??? sent at 11:37pm last night.

I stare at the little message that is questioning me on everything I did in the last 24 hours. I begin to feel nervous and anxious. I'm so close to my screen and my eyes are so wide in disbelief. I start to play with my nail and biting it slightly. What have I done? KJ and I are only friends and we can only be friends. We work together, we are co-workers. All of this is running through my mind i didn't even realise KJ already has already left the bed, gone to the bathroom to clean his teeth. I call Lili.

"Did I tell you where i was last night?" i say so fast, i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't catch on.

"You said you were going to see KJ because apparently Cole and I are two boring shit heads who can't think of anything else better than practising lines on a Friday night? But I'm guessing you were drunk? Why where are you? Are you in trouble? I'll come and pick you up!"

"No, no, no calm down, i'm with KJ but I can't remember anything from last night. I just woke up in his bed... next to him."

" Yeah, I'm not surprised. Cole told me that he... accidentally... walked in on you guys..."

" You mean KJ and I had sex...???" I realised that my phone was on full volume as KJ chokes on his own spit mid spitting the toothpaste out as he was cleaning his teeth obviously he has been listening to this whole convo.

"You seriously can't remember, Cole walked out very disturbed, thats why he crashed in our room with me! Now look, you need to be back in our room washed with wet hair in 15 cause the stylists are coming in 30 so we can head down in time for comic con"

"Okay will be there soon, see ya" I hang up. I look at my phone questioning how i got into this position. I've never seen KJ in a romantic way. Yeah we've flirted and joked around about it and we do play love interests. But it's always been professional. I rest my head in my palms. I'm so confused, what do I tell him, I don't know how i feel about this 'relationship'. I then a tender grip grabs onto my wrists, I hear the cracking of knees of a figure right in front of me as i'm sitting down at the edge of the bed. I look up to see dazzling sparkled eyes locked right into mine. He has a sympathetic look on his face and says to me.

" Cams, I know this is strange and awkward. We both don't remember much from last night but I do know for sure that this morning, was that as i was waking up, i had felt the happiest I've ever been, I've woken up feeling the best i've ever felt for ages... We have two options for the day. We can either super awkward and not acknowledge each other for the next two weeks or we can really enjoy ourselves today, pretend everything is normal and see where that takes us. I preferably leaning towards..." I cut him off again.

"Option 2?" Giving him a small smile

"Option 2 it is then" giving out a small chuckle. Moving my hair away from face and behind my ear. His hands was so warm and it felt so comforting. I think that...

I think i know that now maybe what happened with KJ might have not been a bad thing.

Hey Guys, So this is the second chapter. I hoped your all liking it. Again I am new to this and writing. But tell me if you like the direction this is going. Oh and i will do KJ's POV too in upcoming chapters. I love any suggestions or ideas!! i'll keep posting if people want it. and the juicy stuff is coming up soon so stayed tuned!!!! ~Sofia xoxo

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