No Spoilers!!

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[KJ's POV]
Cami and I quickly walked over to Roberto, he looked really serious. What if he finds out about us last night. But he wouldn't care, would he? Lili and Cole been having their thing which is public amongst the cast and crew. So I can't believe that he would have a go at us for whatever we call last nights occasion.

Cami looked nervous, all this morning she has been super jumpy and tense. It's really weird to be honest, ever since the first day I met her, she has always been very chill and down to earth but it's like she's a whole different person after this morning. I've had some time to think about it while the girls were getting makeup on, and I don't regret what happened between us, I'm actually kinda glad. We've always seen each other as friends, really close friends. But now that we have stepped over the friend boundary, what's the point of trying to get back in,you know? 

But Cams is sending me mixed signals, one minute she's laughing at the fact that Casey thinks that I like her and then rubbing her thumb on my hand after trying to cheer me up. I'm trying to understand her but she's confusing me with all these signals. I need to find a time to have a proper conversation with her. Otherwise I'm just going to get even more confused with my own feelings towards Camila.

We reach Roberto...
" KJ, your manager is on the phone with me saying that you accidentally mentioned a spoiler in your interview with Young Hollywood. There telling us that there going to release the video today with the rest of comic con interviews... what have I told you about keeping Archie dark side on the low?"

I know Roberto isn't fully mad at me as he is more got a facial expression that is stern than angry. Roberto would of been yelling if he was actually pissed. But I don't get the point of Cami coming here if he is only telling me off. But then he continues.

" Camila, your on KJ duty, make sure he isn't mentioning anything too detailed on the panel and interviews about Archie, Varchie, ohhh and especially Fred. Do not mention anything if Fred is alive or not!"

He brings the finger out and points at me. Cami is chuckling, I know I'm very bad at keeping me mouth shut and fandom wonders why I barely say anything in interviews. I'll most likely get in trouble by Roberto...

Cami replies with saying that not to worry about it, and that she'll make sure I won't say a peep. Roberto smiles and say good. He then calls over the whole cast and to start his meeting for the panels. Everyone huddles into a semi circle around Roberto. I directly in the middle next to Cole and Cami. Lili was next to Madeleine who was next to Cole and Ashleigh and Casey were next Cami. He starts to mumble on how we only mention character development, love interest, parent details only and no one is to mention Fred's fate. And looks directly at me when he said that last part. It won't be that hard, I just can't say that he's alive, he starts to go into specific with certain people. He's starts going Mads about her love interest where I move to check my watch and accidentally brush my hand against Cami's. She turns to look at but I avoid eye contact. I made it so awkward. But Cami does the least expected thing and from the corner of my eye I see her smirk and then she intertwined her fingers with mine and holds it up very clearly so I could I see it and possibly everyone else. Her hands were soft and smooth, mine were probably clammy.

I go completely red and look at her very seriously telling her with my eyes to let go otherwise everyone will see us. She laughs it off and says to me in the sweetest tone.
"Your such a dork, Apa". And let's go my hand and her crosses her arms focusing back on Roberto.

"Does that make sense? Everyone worried on something they don't if they can't mention... no, okay perfect let's head to the bus" Roberto points to the door and soon enough everyone is out and ready to head on to the bus.

Hey Friends, new chapter out! Okay we're finally out of the hotel heading for comic con. We're seeing KJ thoughts a bit this chapter. Tell me in the comments if you want more of Cami or KJ's or both POV's for upcoming chapters???
-Sofia xoxo

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