I don't want to be exposed!

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[Cami's POV]

"We need to get ready!" I slam my hands on the bed and get up to get ready for the biggest press day probably of our lives. Comic con is huge, we have three days of constant cameras and microphones in our faces. Which is fine, we all signed up for this, it's part of our job. But it's hard work. You know?

I walk around the room into different sections thinking what I have to get done. But then I remember. This isn't my room, I have no toiletries, no clothes, no makeup, how am I supposed to get ready? All my stuff is in my room. So I call KJ.

" Get ready in 5 KJ, We have to go to my room early so I can actually grab my stuff and get ready" as I yell, I look through the cupboards and draws that the room provides. Maybe they have a robe or something I can wear for now just to get through the elevator and halls in the hotel. But nothing. KJ yells back that he'll hurry up.

KJ is already in the shower, I can hear the tap running. I calm myself down. But again how do I get through elevator and halls without clothes. I can't see any of my clothes I wore last night. I look around hoping for some luck but nada. But I find KJ's comb instead, so I comb my hair to fill in time.

Not long after. The tap stops running I presume KJ's done, maybe he'll let me just borrow a shirt or something just so I can get to my room without streaking through the hotel. I knock the door before opening it and have my hand over eyes just in case. I know we literally just had sex but still it is kind of inappropriate. Or is it okay. I don't know. This is all still fresh. With my hand still on my eyes I ask him

"Hey, do you have a big T shirt or something I can borrow I can't find my clothes"
"Cams I have a towel on it's okay." I peek through my fingers to check if he was right or just lying. He was telling the truth so I move my hand away and use it to help me cover myself with bed sheet.
" Well I didn't think you were going to walk around the hotel with a bed sheet around ya, I don't have a big t shirt but I have the blue riverdale hoodie. It's a slight big on me so it should cover you." I walk out not saying anything but putting my thumb up, and close the door.

I go to his suitcase, which was surely enough completely messy. Nothing folded looked like he just chucked everything in and closed it. Probably did actually. I look around for the ocean blue hoodie. I know which one he is talking about. The costume designers had just got it made. It's a plain blue hoodie with riverdale high's football writing. I think he doesn't need to wear it on the show till episode 8 or 9 but at fittings, he didn't want to take it off so they ordered another one in just so KJ can keep it. I find it at the bottom of his suitcase. I quickly let go of the bed sheet and put the hoodie on top. It's really big, it goes up to my mid thigh, but it's good at least I won't go showing the world that part of my body. As I close KJ's suitcase I notice a box of condoms. I roll my eyes at the thought that KJ literally thought he would get laid on this three day trip. We aren't getting any freedom to go out unless it's too the convention centre. Soooo. Hold up.. he did get laid. Me. I honestly still can't believe this has happened. Anyway I close it up and I see KJ get out of the bathroom and switch the light off. He grabs his phone and I grab mine.

"You ready to go?" He asks while looking around he case he's forgotten anything.
"Yeah, lets go"

[KJ's POV]
We both walk out of my room and I pull the handle twice to check if it's locked. Cami's room is two floors down so we head to elevator. I've been thinking about what could've of happened last night. Cami and I have never done something intimate like that unless it's for the show otherwise she looks at me like a friend, but I somewhat glad that we did. It feels scandalous but to be honest Lili and Cole have been having their thing going on so I don't see an issue of us doing the same thing. I don't think it's a big deal but I don't think it was a bad idea.

I look at Cami and see is on her tippy toes slightly ducked down with her head hanging low avoiding anyone to see her. I think she still feels a bit exposed even though she has my hoodie on, which I find funny. I play a bit with her.
"Cami, there are people coming this way!!!" Cami looks up in a flash and jumps behind me. There was no one coming but her face was priceless. She looked like a cat seeing a dog. She slaps my arm and with a slight shoulder shove. She has this smiley, frustrated face and to be honest it was quite cute.
"Not funny".
We get to the elevator and press the button. We soon hear the ring on the elevator reaching our level. We then rush in where there looks to be a maybe around a 8 year old girl and her mother. The little girl pulls on my shirt. "Are you the boy from a Dog's purpose." I smile at her and crouched down to her height.
" yeah, that's me, what's your name?"
"Elle, but you don't sound like him, you sound different"
"That's because I'm from New Zealand. I use an American accent in the film. I quickly switch accents as I finish the sentence.
" Wow that's so cool." She looks over, scrunched her face with confusion at Cami and asks
"Where are you pants?" The girls mother stares at her daughter very sternly. Obviously her mother seemed to get the picture but Cami's face was like a tomato she looks so embarrassed. Luckily before she needed to answer we were at the second floor. Cami smiles and rushed out with me following behind her.

We reach Cami's room and she knocks the door. She must of left the key inside the room. Obviously drunk Cami does not think before she does. Lili answers with her phone by her ear. Without speaking she drags me and Cami. Literally. Yanked mine and Cami's arm in. She looks at Cami with her finger pointing at her watch then both arms raised as if she was trying to tell her why she was here early. Cami points to the hoodie. And walks away to get ready. I don't get it, they can read each other's minds I swear. They didn't need to speak and they both knew what each they were talking about. Lili hangs up the phone and looks at me with a smirk. I know she is going to make fun of me and Cami. I just told her at security at the airport last night that I only saw Cami as a friend. And she thought I was lying. Which I wasn't, not then at least.
" We only friends Lili, she would never see me as more than a friend and the other way round." Mocking the exact words I told her last night.
" Liar Liar, Pants on Fire... I know you KJ and I know well enough that you don't regret anything that happened last night. Am I right?"

I roll my eyes and walk away. I just knew that today was going to be an interesting day...

And that's the end of chapter 3, I know that it wasn't very steamy or that romantic but they did have their moments. And there plenty more to come. Hope you liked it. Now do you think It will be KJ and Cami who will fall for the other person first. Tell me in the comments ahahah. Anyways chapter 4 coming soon.
- Sofia xoxo

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