Making A Deal

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Well Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is good and ready for this part of the story. Now This part wont be as long as the other parts due to it just being a filler chapter. Tomorrows chapter will be A LOT longer than this one. Hopefully this chapter will still be good. I have decided that Mondays and Tuesdays will be the days that I upload on this story. Hopefully you are okay with that, If not than I'm sorry. Suck it up anyway! ONWARD!


Moo' POV

Since Evan came back from Jonathan's grave he has been kinda sad and depressed. I mean I would be to if Terrorizer was gone too. I guess I'm paranoid for no reason or maybe there is something wrong...Hm. I just hope its not the funky stuff where he blames himself for not kicking us out to go "Live our Dreams". We are family and are not going anywhere.

I was sitting on the couch with Brian asleep in my arms. Lately he has been really tired and when I told him to nap he just crawled into my lap and fell asleep. I don't mind it. I've missed moments like these. I looked up from Brian as Evan came in a gently sat down next to me. 

"Hey, You okay? You look gloomy" I asked as Evan leaned on the opposite shoulder as Brian

"I'm okay. Starz Inc. called, They want us to come down for a bit of a chat regarding the files we took." Evan sighed and sat up. I nodded

"Alright well than We should set up a meeting. Are you sure they aren't going to try anything?" I asked, carefully picking Brian up and walking with Evan as I took him to go lay down in our bed. 

"They said they wouldn't. They said they wanted to show us an experiment they were working on. It's the one you found. They are looking to get us involved and hopefully split the costs with us and I know we need to sit and see if we can actually afford it and what not." I raised an eyebrow as Evan continued to ramble. He had started to do this a lot once Jon was gone. I guess It was his way of coping but we could all see the toll it was taking on him. He was slowly breaking apart and collapsing.  After laying Brian down, We moved to Evans office to look and talk over everything. 

I pulled out the finance file and started to calculate some stuff. Evan always left it with me because I told him too. He had enough to stress about. As I was looking over the papers, I turned to Evan "So, from what I see, We should be fine to set up a meeting and talk to them about everything. Do you want to give them a call back and set up a day and time?" Without answering my question with words, Evan picked up the phone and redialed the number he had. He put it on speaker and sat back

"Hello Mr. Fong. I assume this call is to set up an appointment to come and have a chat?" A female voice answered without hesitation. Evan nodded but I answered 

"Yes. On one Condition though. My entire team is coming with me because I don't want you guys trying anything" 

"Oh of course Mr. Fong. Anything else?" The female seemed a bit to cheery for my liking

"No. We will come by tomorrow between one and three in the afternoon. Goodbye." I hung up and sighed. "Something is up with them. I want us on guard tomorrow and I also don't want any of us to go off alone with anyone."   

Evan nodded. I knew he understood. I just hope everyone else understood why we are taking these cautions.


Okay well, I know this chapter is poo but again it is a filler chapter and hell It's in a different prospective as the other chapters so hopefully its okay. Anyway, Mama bear loves chu!!!!!!!  BYYYYYYYYYYYYE!

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