Chapter 4

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Craig leaned and rested his forehead on his bathroom mirror, staring into his own deep set blue eyes. He sighed, glancing at the clock and throwing his chullow over his head. He knew he was running late to school, but he didn't care, he drug his feet on the ground making as much noise as possible. He didn't sleep a second after he has woken up in the middle of the night, the thought of the dead boy coming back in his thoughts to haunt him made him sick. He thought, convinced himself it was his mind playing tricks on him for not processing the death of someone that he saw nearly every day.
The sulky teen slipped through the doors just 3 minutes before class and threw all of his weight into his desk chair. Clyde whipped around, chubby cheeks pink from the wind outside. Craig laid his chin in his crossed arms across the table, rolling his eyes up to meet Clyde's.
"Are you high?" The brunette asked, raising his eyebrows.
Craig rubbed his swollen eyes, making them even more red, "Unfortunately not."
Clyde bit his lower lip nervously, scared of Craig's quick anger and decided not to question him at this time.

Eventually the bell rang and the class scurried out, bored out of their minds. Craig walked side by side with Clyde, hearing him babble but not paying much attention. His eyes began to go out of focus and his thought's took over him.
"Why does my mind always play cruel tricks on me?"
"What if it was real?"
"What if it WASN'T, that's your one way ticket to the loony bin."

The day drug on just like that, everything in a slow constant boring lull of paranoid thoughts. He missed Kenny's company, whether it was real or it wasn't, Kenny had made him smile TWICE in one day which is rare. Kenny annoyed him as well, but at the same time he didn't mind it, the company was something new, something other than the boring and draining routine he repeated day by day. Same people same town same words same EVERYTHING, it drove him insane, literally.
Craig never wanted to admit he was very lonely, he didn't want to sound emotionally weak, though there was nothing wrong with feeling lonely. He just didn't want to ruin his own image of himself, which he had been building since early middle school.
Don't get him wrong, he loved his friend's with every inch he could possibly express. Something was missing though, he didn't feel empty or alone when the bouncy blonde was constantly showering him with attention and odd surprises.

When the day ended, the blue boy had taken his mind off of his inevitable loneliness and had a nice back and forth with Clyde about how they were gonna beat each other in Smash.
"Dude, I can kick your ass as MetaKnight ON MY LIFE I swear!" Clyde's green eyes squinted in determination as his voice rose to an obnoxious volume.
Craig jokingly looked around, "Might not wanna do that" he muttered as he took a few steps away from Clyde, "I'm not dying with you."
He continued, "Hey remember that time-"

Blue eyes shot open as they saw a flash of orange in their peripheral vision. Craig stopped, his body froze, his stomach sank and twisted with fear and excitement. He knew what was happening. He felt like throwing up, he had no idea what to do.
"Craig?" Clyde asked from behind him softly.
The dark haired boy whipped around as fast as he could, swallowing back his adrenaline.

"Hey there stranger!" Greeted the familiar golden blonde, sun tanned skin glowing in the warm light.

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