Chapter 6

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(I wrote this one recently and it's been a little hard to get back into the flow of writing so this one is not that great im sorry but i got this lol)

Kenny sat in the snow for awhile staring into his lap, his golden hair hung over his eyes. Craig stared at him in a rather rude manner waiting for him to stand up. The angel fiddled with his hands until they turned red.

"Are you coming?" Craig turned his back and folded his arms.

Kenny quickly snapped out of what he was thinking and scrambled up to catch up with the taller boy. He returned to his cheery self solely because it was comfortable and it's what he was used to.

"On God bro do not say anything when we walk in that house because I can not look like I'm talking to myself they already have been threatening to take me to therapy." Craig growled, pressing his palm on top of Kenny's head and pressing down in a threatening manner. He was reluctant to take his hand off because his golden hair was silky and thick like a smooth waterfall made out of gilded ribbon.

"No promises!" Kenny smiled his usually grin up at the irritated teen. As soon as Craig took his hand off the blonde looked down as his feet and started to play with his hands again, thinking that this is something Butters used to do in elementary school when he was anxious.

The two walked in comfortable silence until they reached Craig's plain, tan house. The tall boy gave the smaller one a final glare before opening the door. His little sister was walking out at the same time, Kenny haden't seen her since she was in 1st grade. She looked a lot different while still having her red hair and that unforgettable insolent look on her face. She had to be around 13 now.

She shoved past Craig without saying anything and walked down the street towards the bad side of town. He didn't seem too concerned and continued inside.

A rather busty woman was sitting at the table typing on a laptop. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and she looked fatigued. She had the same bags under her eyes that Craig had.

Craig gave the woman a nod, barely acknowledging her before he turned down the hallway. Kenny could tell his friend was grinding his teeth and his shoulders were tense.

"Aren't you going to say something to your mother?"

The woman inquired. Craig rolled his eyes and turned back around into the living room, Kenny following him.

"Bro your mom is hot." Kenny snickered, not being shy about his volume.

Craig balled his fists, shooting the comely blonde a penetrating stare. He felt his ears burn with embarrassment as he stood there seemingly by himself, riled up about nothing.

"Hi mom." He deadpanned, a hint of nervousness in his tone.

"You're acting weird.." She started to say, giving him a up and down glance.

Craig whipped around and started down the hallway while muttering "What's new?"

"I heard tha-" She couldn't finish before her son slammed the door to his room.

"You're kinda a brat, dude" Kenny threw himself on Craig's carpet, laying out like a starfish.

Craig took off his jacket and threw it on his bed before plopping down in his desk chair and spinning around furiously.

"You don't know anything!" He barked at the boy on the floor.

Craig has always had trouble expressing how he feels. His maturity is lacking big time when it comes to communication as well. It's as if he's stunted in a way.

"You know I can't take you seriously when you're spinning around like that." Kenny giggled, trying to stop the spinning desk chair.

He had forgotten about what was bothering him since Craig entertained him so much.

"It helps me calm down." The dizzy boy mumbled, an awkward silence followed.

"Tell me about this!" Kenny ran over to Craigs giant telescope that was pointed out the window. He knew distractions worked because that's how he used to calm his little sister down when she was scared of their parents combative behavior.

Just as he was about to say something, Ruby poked her head in the door.

"Your laptop?" She asked with a defiant attitude, as if she was making a demand rather than asking a question.


"We wanna watch videos." She opened the door to show another girl her age. Her apparel looked overused and seemed to be boys clothes. She had thin brown hair that fell over her left eye, on the right side it was tucked behind her ear. Her deep brown eyes avoided eye contact and she smiled shyly, not expecting Ruby to put her in the spotlight.

"Yeah okay.." He turned around to grab his computer and saw Kenny sitting up on the floor staring at the young girl, he looked ghostly pale and an held a devastated expression. Craig stared at him for a bit, almost so concerned that he forgot that he can't acknowledge the invisible boy in front of others. He quickly shoved the old HP laptop into his sisters small arms before swiftly shutting the door and turning his back to it. He leaned against the door with his arms folded behind his back. His lips tightened to a thin line as he waiting for the other to explain himself.

The plentiful white around Kenny's brown eyes turned red and the mirroring of the cars driving outside were more prevalent in them since they became shiny and reflective. Craig was entranced with the pretty color as well as his growing concern for his 'imaginary' friend. Both feelings were foreign and he started to feel uncomfortable.

The blonde muttered in a soft, broken voice, "that's my little sister.."

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