Chapter 1

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The spring time in the heavens above earth was by far kenny's favorite thing about being dead. Any beautiful landscape imaginable was his to view. He lied on his back in the daisies, which were his favorite, waiting for another angel to call on him to do some good in the world.
He always stayed in the areas above South Park, so he could watch over all of his childhood friends and protect them when they needed it, even if they had no idea he was there.

Doe eyes fluttered open when Kenny felt his weight sinking into the ground below him, "Not again.." He growled, folding his arms and letting himself sink at increasing speeds until he was tumbling through the clouds. This happened often these days, the golden blonde would be sucked back to earth, like he never left, a fully functional human except for the fact he didn't feel a thing when he hit the ground. He couldn't use his angel powers either or go back up by choice when he involuntarily got sucked down.
No one seemed to be able to see him while he was there no matter if he was "Angel Kenny" or "Falling out of the sky Kenny".

He only ever came back to the heavens when another fellow angel noticed he was missing and summoned him back up, sometimes it took days, other times minutes. It was quite boring and draining for him, watching the group of 3 he cared about so much not even aware of his presence, even when he was standing right beside them, trying to relive what it was like before he got sick. Kenny was surprised when he died and didn't wake up the next day in his bed, but in fact up way above, where no living human has gone, and was told by the others around him he needed to stay. He was told the people of earth needed his help in this way.

Kenny knew he was special, but never thought the answer to all of his powers was that he was angel, and maybe that wasn't just it, he still had a lot to learn. He snapped out of his melancholy thoughts when he saw his fall aim was directed towards none other then Craig- nice and boring just the way I like it- Tucker. Figuring he would fall right through him, he yawned, waiting to tumble into the cement.
Craig halted his pace when he saw an approaching shadow get larger on the damp sidewalk in front of him, he turned his head of dark hair slowly,

"What the hell-"


The both of them said in unison as the boy from the sky crashed into Craigs back with ferocious force, sending them both roughly rolling into the dark empty street, hot from the sun. Craig scrambled up and scowled at the pretty blonde.
"Dude watch where you're going- did you just jump me? Who are you?" Craig snapped, his icy stare penetrated Kenny's soft gaze. The blonde took a minute to reply, he was in pure shock that let alone he made contact with another person, he couldn't comprehend how he could SEE him as well. He wasn't surprised Craig didn't recognize him, they hadn't really interacted since a field trip when they were 10, and he died soon after that. Kenny had aged quite well 7 years later, looking nothing like the scrawny and band aid covered kid hidden by an orange parka many years ago.
"Hey ASSHOLE answer me!" Craig roared, ears red, obviously embarrassed someone of Kenny's size took him down. Figuring he wouldn't believe him anyway, Kennys playful nature got the best of him, "I'm an angel, idiot."
Craig's face settled to a calm state, "Ok," he deadpanned, and turned around to continue on his path. Kenny shot up, nearly tripping over himself and caught up to Craig. "Dude I'm serious you're the only one who can see me this is so cool dude there has to be a reason you can see me BRO I don't even know what to say-" Kenny's rambling and high cheerful voice pierced through the thin air, "Stop." Craig sighed, rubbing his temples with his thumb and pointer finger, then contined, seeming to be talking to himself in a low voice, "I fucking hate the people in this town they're all fucking insane." He sighed again, "Get away from me right now before I put your ass back to the loony bin or wherever the fuck you came from-"

"CRAIG!" A familiar, bold voice came from his left. Eric, Kyle, and Stan stood across the street on the other side. They stared at each other for a minute before Kyle called out "Who the hell are yelling at?"
Craig rolled his eyes as far back as he could and turned his head over to Kenny, who was leaning against a stop sign, smirking at him. "Do you guys know him?" Craig's eyebrows furrowed as he shot a finger towards the stop sign.
Kyle and Stan looked at eachother, "Who?" They said quietly in unison. Eric let out a loud demeaning laugh, "Craig's gone completely insane you guys, all that weed get to your head Craig?"
Craig felt his stomach drop as he whipped his gaze back to Kenny, watching his eyes close and smirk grow bigger. The 3 boys turned, walked from Craig and talked amongst each other quietly, glancing back at him slightly before they disappeared into the distance.
He winced slightly, now terrified, turning to the beaming blonde who still stood there smug as ever.
"Told you."

Disciples (Crenny fic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon