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I'm starting to update weekly now...so there you go let me know if you like the chapters I would like so feed back from you guys

Eren's POV:

Running.............all I remember doing is running........ I ran out his house, down the street, past the school, and up the hill. I got home in 10 minutes when it should have taken me 20. Was I wrong for leaving like that. I didn't know if I wanted to stay or not. He sounded like a psychopath. His voice was booming in my mind." I think you should leave now" ........it killed me. When I got in front of my house I paused, and looked at the door. I don't know why but I had to stop and think ...... about him and how everything moved so quickly. I started to sob, but why was I crying. I'm a fucked up child.
I looked up to see my father grab my by the shoulders and I felt him shaking me, but it was so slow. Everything was slowing down.
Suddenly my eyes closed and my body went limp.
I think I passed out.
I was dreaming.... dreaming about him.
He's broken. I want to fix him, but I don't think he wants me to. The fucked up thing about all of this, we barley even know each other. So I just fucked a random person and fell for him, I'm more fucked up then I thought.
        I opened my eyes and looked around......I was in my room. I glanced over at my clock and it was one in the morning. I sat up and held myself and began to cry, "why are you crying Eren" I thought to myself. I dried my eyes and began to get out of bed until I heard my mother and step father talking.   I slowly got out of bed and walked to the door, I put my ear up to it and listened. " Did he say where he was" my mother said, " No, he passed out before I could get anything out of him". There was a long silence and it was worrying me. " He had hickys on is neck, and scratches on his back", "So he's been having sex! " My mother proclaimed. " Or someone forced him too, those marks are to aggressive to be consensual". When my step father said that my eyes were bloodshot, Levi barley even touched me how could that even be a possibility. I tip toed to my bathroom and took my shirt off and look at my upper body. I look like I was beat up, all I had was fucking sex with one guy and it look like I was gang raped. "No no this is all a miss understanding" I said then ran downstairs and looked at my parents. " Jesus Christ" my mother said and covered her mouth. " It's not what you think mom I- ", " Oh yeah than what the fuck is it" my step father cut me off and stood up. " Because you look like you were raped!" He said and grabbed me by the face. " Why don't you let me finish and I'll fucking tell you, before you start assuming shit". That was the first time I've ever cussed at or in front of my parents, I felt a slap coming. I covered my mouth and saw my step father's hand come my way and then I was on the floor. " Get your ass up and start talking before I give twice the ass whopping you already got!". Luckily my mother came to my aid because I felt like I was gonna knock him out. She helped me off the floor and I sat at the table. " TALK" my step father said with a stern and alarming voice. " I wasn't raped dad I had sex willingly, I don't know how I got all these marks because I was in control". My step father's face look like you wanted to rip mine off. " You expect me to believe you got all of those scars from sex, your a fucking virgin there's no way". He was making me boil over and I wanted to beat the shit out of him. " Honey" my mother grabbed my face so she can look at me. " You won't get in trouble, just tell use who did this to you-", I snatched my face away from her " you don't believe me either, why would I let someone hurt me like this". I looked over at my step father as he began to speak, " I don't know why don't you fucking enlighten us".  "AAAAAHHHHHH", I jumped across the table at him and knocked him out the chair and began to pound on his face with both of my hands. " Why can't you be a normal loving fucking parent!!!!!!" I screamed. My mother managed to pry my hands off of him and pushed me to the side.  When my step father got up he snatched me up by my throat and pinned me to the wall. " You like to hit people? " He screamed in my face then punched me in it. " Huh?" He said then punched me in the gut, he was hitting me left and right. I couldn't see but I can hear my mom screaming at him to let me go. Then I heard a slap, but I didn't receive it, she did. I felt her body hit the floor, and that's when I truly lost it. I pried one of my eyes open so I could see where he was, there he was on top of her. Beating on her, this wasn't her fault. She was just trying to help me because I couldn't be man enough to take him on. I erased that last thought from my mind, and grabbed one of the chairs. "Hey?" I called so he would look at me, he stood up and turned around. *POW, BAM , CRACK,"I hit him with everything I had left in me, " Go Fuck Yourself" I said and threw down what was left of the chair. I look over at my mom and she was unconscious , I pick her up off the floor and put her on the couch and cleansed her face from the blood. I ran up to her room and packed a bag and called my uncle John. I told him what Happened and he flew over hear with a baseball bat ready to break my dad's skull. " There's no need" I explained, and pointed to the kitchen. While he went in there I took my mom and her bag to the car. I kissed her goodbye and shut the door. My uncle came outside while I was walking in, " where are you going ?". 

"I'm going to stay with a friend of mine"

Levi's POV:

I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I rocked back and forth repeating those words on the inside and outside of my mind.
I cried for seconds
I cried for minutes
I cried for hours
I just wanted him to love me.
I rushed it, I've should have waited.
What am I gonna say to him at school.
What if he doesn't want to see me.
Why am I like this.
These pill aren't working
Therapy isn't working
Maybe I should end it all.
I walked into my bed room and grabbed my razor blades from under my mattress. I lit a cigarette and put it in between my lips. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, then I began to slice my wrist open and watched the blood hit the floor. It was beautiful, just like Eren. I smoked three cigarettes, then I stopped cutting. I looked down at my wrist and all I could see was blood. Then I realized one of my wrist look beautiful and the other one is plain. I chuckled " that doesn't match" , for some reason I felt light headed. The I started to hack at my other arm. I stopped and fell to the ground and closed my eyes slowly.

" LEVI!!!"

I swore I heard Eren calling my name, but he left me. So I knew that couldn't be. My body went cold and I closed me eyes in peace.

another shitty chapter, I hope someone likes it. Because I worked my ass off.

A Fucked Up Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora