Are you Ok son?

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((Hey y'all I have a new chapter for you!!!
Yes I understand its been quite some time since I updated but I'm here now.
Like I said before in my authors note this story is gonna change dramatically, I do hope you're ready for it. Anyway enjoy this chapter.)))

Erens Pov:
      Moments after I fainted I woke up laying on the floor staring at the ceiling crying and hoping that what I seen wasn't real. I sat up slowly rubbing my head and looked over to the side of me only to seen Levi bleeding out. It felt like hours before the ambulance finally showed up, Levi was losing so much blood I had to hold his wrist to contain it. When the rescue team came in the house I was sobbing over his "what seemed to be  lifeless body",I stood up slowly and moved to the side so the paramedics could do their job. I remember a hand on my back nudging me into the washroom, I looked over my left shoulder to see a police woman speaking but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear anything but a high pitched sound in the back of my head, which was giving me a headache. I felt light headed, I had to look down at my feet so I didn't trip over them when I walked because I could feel myself walking recklessly. I looked up at the mirror and stared at my face, red nose, black rings around eyes and tears falling from them. I blinked twice then everything went black .....and silent.

              Last thing I remember is seeing is Levi's body on a stretcher and fingers being snapped in my face,I jumped then looked up at the figure in front of me." Hey kid, you alright?" It was the women from earlier, I couldn't help but to stare at her with a blank expression but I was so confused to what was the fuck did I get outside?.
              I stood up quickly and spun around in a circle, I was sitting on the front porch with a blank around me. I then turned back around to face the women. " H-how'd did I get out here?" I asked the women as I slowly began to sit back down, she looked at me like I was old and frail. "oh honey you don't remember?,you were so scared. I tried to get you into the bathroom so you could wash your hands but you were stumbling and tripping over your feet. You fell about three times I believe". After she was done speaking I put my head down and hugged my knees " I can't believe I don't remember that".I looked up slowly and realized that the ambulance left with Levi, I then stood up quickly and began to shake again."Where's Levi? Is he gonna be okay?" the women stepped close to me and put her hands on my shoulders and gripped them firmly "he's gonna be fine, now what's your name sweety?. I calmed down slightly and she removed her hands from my shoulders and took out a notepad and a pen " Eren Jager, I'm his b-.... best friend". I can't believe I was about to call him my boyfriend, Fucking Christ.

                About an half an hour later after she was done questioning me I had asked her if she can take me to the hospital to see him. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea at first but then she stared into my eyes and changed her mind, she must have knew I cared for him. The ride there was silent, I took the time to think and question what was happening.  What was going on with him that made him do this? Was it because of me? Why would I get myself into a situation like this?. We stopped in front of the hospital and sat in the car for a second, the officer turned off the car then turned to me " are you sure you want to do this?". Turned to the window and stared at the entrance of the hospital and nodded my head slowly. I jumped when I heard her open the door then slam it....I guess I wasn't paying attention or I wasn't actually sure if I wanted to see him in this condition. She walked around to my side of the car then opened to door for me, I stepped out the car then moved out the way so she could shut it. We walked up to the front desk and asked for Levi, the man gave us his floor an room number so we headed over to the elevators and went upstairs. I looked down at my feet and began to think again, totally blocking out all outside sounds and voices. What the fuck is wrong with me?....It was all coming to me at once, I barely know him and we fucked each other. He stabbed his father to death then flipped out when we were making breakfast. He's not right....why does a high school student have his own fucking house?, I think I'm gonna faint. I started to close my eyes but they shot open when I heard the elevators doors open. We both stepped out of the elevator and approached his room but was told to wait for the doctors to hook him up to the rest of the IV's.  After the doctors hooked him up to the machines I was able to see him for a split second before I was rushed out of the room, I swore I seen him look at me but I couldn't tell from all the tears in my eyes. Once I left the room I ran to the washroom and began to vomit, I couldn't believe what the hell was happening today. I sat in the washroom for about 20 minutes crying my eyes out....but I wasn't sure why. I had so much shit running through my head I felt like I was gonna lose it. I unlocked the washroom stall and walked out only to see a doctor standing there. "Are you ok son?" I opened my mouth but there was no words coming out, I didn't want to look completely hopeless so I nodded quickly. The man then walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder patting it three times " It's ok, you'll get through this" he smiled and disappeared into a stall ,I walked over to the sink and washed my hands then splashed water into my face wiping off the vomit and some of my tears. I didn't know what to do with myself at the moment, I was just staring at myself in the mirror. I sighed to myself deeply then pulled my hood over my head covering the shame that lied on my face, I exited the washroom and walked up to the officer " could you drop me off at his house, I would like to clean it for see, he has OCD and he'd freak out if there was dry blood stuck to his floor". That wasn't the only thing I needed to go there for...I needed Intel in this guy, I need to talk to his sister.


              We left the hospital and I rushed over to the car eager to get to the house and find out who he really was. By the time we got to the house  I was completely exhausted I almost fell asleep in the car but she kept me awake. I got out the car and thanked her for everything she's done, she gave me her personal phone number just in case of emergencys. I walked in the house and stumbled into his bedroom,I just wanted to drop where I was standing and sleep but I couldn't because the floor was drenched in blood. I stared at the blood in horror still picturing Levis body laying there bleeding out. I shook my head to get rid of that horrifying image and left the room I then walked into the kitchen and opened his fridge, I looked around for something cold to drink because I was dehydrated. I  pulled out a red bull which was hydrating and energy boosting then drank it quickly, which I knew I was  gonna regret in the long run. Once I was done drinking the energy drink I tossed it into the recycling bin and approach a small closet in the kitchen. I'm keeping my word that room needed to be cleaned asap because I wasn't in the mood to faint for a third time tonight. I opened it to see if I could find a mop and some cleaning products. Luckily I did, I was surprised to see how much cleaning products he uses... actually I wasn't. Where dose he get the money to buy four mops, two packs of twenty four sponges, six pair of cleaning gloves, three brooms which were color coded and scrubbing brushes? and Please don't get me started on the bleach and scented  cleaners. I filled up a mop bucket with hot water and some mr.clean and bleach, I then grabbed the bucket and headed off to Levi's room. I stood in the doorway for about five minutes just staring at the floor where I did everything in my power to keep him from dieing, then at the bed where I lost my virginity and made love for the first time, then walked into the bathroom and looked at the tub where we made love for a second time. I smiled and cried at the same time, I need to know how to deal with him because I need him in my life. I took my phone and earbuds phones out my pocket then turned on my playlist the consist of heavy metal and punk rock, I put my head phones in my ears and began to scrub everywhere people walked or touched. But of course I had to start with his room.

             After I was done going over his house with febreze and making sure it was sanitary by cleaning it twice which took me about three hours. I sat down at the kitchen table and put my head down to rest I then glanced at my watch and realized it was 2:25am. " This day has been long enough I need sleep.....this shit is gonna kill me.", I got up from the table and locked the door and shut off all the lights. I walked into his room and removed my clothes only leaving on my boxers on, I crawled into his bed wrapped myself in a blanket grabbed his pillow and inhaled deeply. He smelled so good what a real man should smell like, I hugged the pillow tightly wishing it was him but no matter how tight I squeezed the pillow it wasn't just wasn't .

((I'm gonna be completely honest, I really like this chapter only because I worked so hard on it . I went over it and changed the set up about 3 times, I also made sure I didn't make any spelling mistakes anf made sure everything made sense. So please enjoy it.))


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